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Figure 15
Changing practice in macromolecular structure determination. (a) De novo PDB depositions. Fractional contributions are shown, year by year, from isomorphous replacement, MIR (red) and SIR (pink), compared with anomalous diffraction, MAD (green) and SAD (chartreuse), and with ab initio methods (blue). We parsed depositor declarations to the PDB from 1997 through 10 December 2013, counting multiple declarations into each. The orange line traces the total number of de novo depositions with time. (b) Pie charts of the major categories of PDB depositions (de novo, MR for molecular replacement and IV for isomorphous variant) in 1999 and in 2013. The area of each pie is proportional to the total number of depositions in that year. The division between MR and IV is from the MS2000 curation for 1999 and was hand curated from 67% declared as MR to 44% being in a novel lattice. (a) is reproduced from Hendrickson (2014BB85) with permission from Cambridge University Press.

ISSN: 2052-2525