Figure 6
The proposed model for the inhibitory mode of action of AcrIC9 on the type IC CRISPR–Cas system. (a) A table summarizing the results of the DALI search. (b) Structural comparison of AcrIC9 with the ε subunits of RNA polymerase from Bacillus subtilis (PDB ID 6wvk) and Geobacillus stearothermophilus (PDB ID 4njc; Keller et al., 2014 ) by superimposition. (c) A surface electrostatic potential comparison of AcrIC9 with the ε subunits of RNA polymerase from B. subtilis (PDB ID 6wvk) and G. stearothermophilus (PDB ID 4njc). A schematic representation of the structures of AcrIC9 and the two ε subunits is presented on the left side. Electrostatic potential mapping [−7.4 kT e−1 (red) to 7.4 kT e−1 (blue)] of the three different proteins is shown on the right. (d) The putative model for the inhibitory mode of action of AcrIC9 on the type IC CRISPR–Cas system. |