forthcoming articles

The following articles are a selection of those recently accepted for publication in IUCrJ.

See also Forthcoming articles in all IUCr journals.

Accepted 27 June 2024

Bridging Length Scales in Hard Materials with Ultra-Small Angle X-ray Scattering – A Critical Review

This review examines the use of ultra-small angle X-ray scattering (USAXS), a nondestructive technique for analyzing the multi-scale microstructures of hard materials such as ceramics, metals, and composites. It discusses USAXS's principles, benefits, and challenges, along with its potential to advance materials development and optimize manufacturing processes, while also considering future enhancements through multimodal characterization and machine learning.

Accepted 18 June 2024

Refinement of cryo-EM 3D maps with self-supervised denoising model: crefDenoiser

Accepted 14 June 2024

In some cases more complicated approaches to refinement of macromolecular structures are not necessary

The manuscript `Modeling a unit cell: crystallographic refinement procedure using the biomolecular MD simulation platform Amber' presents a novel protein structure refinement method claimed to offer improvements over traditional techniques like Refmac5 and Phenix. Our re-evaluation suggests that while the new method provides improvements, traditional methods achieve comparable results with less computational effort.

Accepted 14 June 2024

In situ serial crystallography facilitates 96-well plate for structural analysis at low symmetry

The determination of a challenging structure in the P1 space group, the lowest-symmetry possible, shows how our in situ serial crystallography approach expands the application of crystallization plates as a robust sample delivery method.

Accepted 11 June 2024

Capturing the blue-light activated state of the Phot-LOV1 domain from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii using time-resolved serial synchrotron crystallography

CrLOV1 crystalline sample was optimized for serial crystallography. Time-resolved serial synchrotron crystallography provides high-resolution insights into structural changes of CrLOV1 from Δt = 2.5 ms up to Δt = 95 ms post-photoactivation, resolving the geometry of the thio­ether adduct and alteration of the C-terminal region implicated in the signal transduction.

Accepted 11 June 2024

Fixed-target pump–probe SFX: eliminating the scourge of light contamination

Time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography experiments can be performed with samples delivered on solid supports. Sample consumption is significantly reduced when compared with the popular crystal delivery via high-viscosity extrusion.

Accepted 10 June 2024

Structure of Aquifex aeolicus lumazine synthase by cryo-electron microscopy to 1.42 Å resolution

A near-atomic resolution map was obtained for lumazine synthase while benchmarking a new microscope. At this resolution, waters, ligands and hydrogens were visible. A detailed outline of the methods used is presented that can employed for any single-particle cryo-EM experiment.

Accepted 5 June 2024

Crystallographic phase identifier of a convolutional self-attention neural network (CPICANN) on powder diffraction patterns

The development of CPICANN, a novel convolutional self-attention neural network, represents a groundbreaking approach in materials informatics. By leveraging the convolutional self-attention mechanism, CPICANN automates and significantly enhances the efficiency of crystal phase identification from whole X-ray powder diffraction patterns, marking a substantial advancement over traditional time-consuming methods.

Accepted 5 June 2024

Many locks to one key: N-acetyl­neuraminic acid binding to proteins

In structural biology, the analogy of a key (ligand) fitting a lock (protein) is commonly used to describe the binding process. In this context, we illustrate the evolutionary development of diverse locks that exhibit specific binding to a shared key: Neu5Ac. The intricate specificity of the interaction between various locks and the common key (Neu5Ac) is explored in our review.

Accepted 30 May 2024

Bridging the microscopic divide: a comprehensive overview of micro-crystallization and in vivo crystallography

The 26th IUCr congress held in Melbourne brought discussions on micro-crystallization and in vivo crystallography within structural biology to the forefront, highlighting innovative approaches and collaborative efforts to advance macromolecular research.

Accepted 29 May 2024

Comprehensive encoding of conformational and compositional protein structural ensembles through the mmCIF data structure

Traditional structural models of biomolecules typically represent only a single conformational state, even though biomolecules naturally exist in multiple states crucial for their function. Here, we propose enhancements to the macromolecular crystallographic information file (mmCIF) to better capture the complex conformational and compositional heterogeneity of biomolecules that is human- and machine-interpretable.

Accepted 23 May 2024

Benchmarking predictive methods for small-angle X-ray scattering from atomic coordinates of proteins using maximum-likelihood consensus data

Consensus small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) data from five proteins in solution generated from 171 independent measurements on 12 beamlines using a maximum likelihood method are used to benchmark computational methods for predicting SAXS profiles from atomic coordinates. The results reveal important strengths and limitations of different methods that are serving a growing community of users in applications ranging from fundamental integrative structural biology to drug discovery and development.

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