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Nasicon-type trisodium discandium tris­(arsenate), Na3Sc2(AsO4)3, contains a polyhedral network of vertex-sharing octahedral ScO6 and tetrahedral AsO4 units [dav(Sc—O) = 2.089 (2) Å and dav(As—O) = 1.672 (2) Å] encapsulating two types of Na+ species. The sodium site occupancies are similar to those of the equivalent species in β-Na3Sc2(PO4)3.

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Comment top

Based on the present refinement, Na3Sc2(AsO4)3 adopts a centrosymmetric rhombohedral Nasicon structure (Sljukic et al., 1969; Mesquelier et al., 2000), as indicated earlier on the basis of X-ray powder data (Winand et al., 1990). However, a superstructure or other symmetry reduction, perhaps associated with sodium cation ordering, cannot be completely ruled out.

The stretched octahedral Na1 position (Wyckoff site 6 b) with site symmetry 3 is fully occupied within experimental error. Its bond valence sum (BVS), calculated by the Brown (1996) formalism, of 0.98 is in good agreement with the expected value of 1.00. Na2 occupies Wyckoff site 18 e (symmetry 2) with an occupancy of 0.626 (11). This site is usually described as eight-coordinate (Mesquelier et al., 2000) to framework O atoms. In the title compound, two of these links are exceptionally long (d > 3.16 Å) and the Na2 coordination could equally well be described as sixfold. Bond valence sums for Na2 indicate significant underbonding if either six-coordinate (BVS = 0.76) and eight-coordinate (BVS = 0.81) is assumed.

The overall sodium unit-cell content of 17.27 (12) based on the refinement is in adequate agreement with the value of 18 required for charge-balancing purposes. Other Nasion phases show a similar apparent reduced cation content which may be rationalized on the basis of the mobility of these species in the extra-framework channel system (de la Rochère et al., 1983). The sodium content of 18 can be formally achieved by full occupancy of the Na1 (6 b) site and 2/3 occupancy of the Na2 (18 e) site (Susman et al., 1983).

The site occupancies of the sodium cations in Na3Sc2(AsO4)3 are similar to those of the equivalent species in β-Na3Sc2(PO4)3 (Collin et al., 1986), where the 6 b and 18 e Wyckoff sites are 0.92 (2) and 0.693 occupied, respectively (restrained total unit-cell sodium content = 17.99). At 473 K, Na3Fe2(PO4)3 shows a similar occupation pattern for the sodium cations, although this effect is strongly temperature dependent (de la Rochère et al., 1983; Masquelier et al., 2000).

The Sc1 atom adopts its usual octahedral coordination, with dav(Sc1—O) = 2.089 (2) Å, and As1 is tetrahedral [dav(As1—O) = 1.672 (2) Å]. The polyhedral linkage of the ScO6 and AsO4 moieties [θav(Sc—O—As) = 145.3°] to form the Nasicon framework has been described in detail elsewhere (Subramanian et al., 1985; Masquelier et al., 2000).

Experimental top

Initially, Na2CO3 (4.01 g, 37.8 mmol, Aldrich), Sc2O3 (0.55 g, 4 mmol, Varlacoid) and NH4H2AsO4 (8.58 g, 54 mmol, prepared by oxidizing As2O3 with H2O2 and titrating with NH4OH) were heated in a Pt crucible at 1193 K for 16 h. Further Na2CO3 (4.01 g) and NH4H2AsO4 (8.58 g) were added and the mixture heated to 1193 K for another 24 h. The crucible was removed from the furnace to cool to ambient temperature, and was then returned to the 1193 K furnace for 4 h. The flux was decanted whilst hot and, upon cooling the crucible once more, the remaining solids were worked up in water. This resulted in a mixture of white powder and a few small single crystals of Na3Sc2(AsO4)3 (1.47 g; yield based on Sc = 64%).

Refinement top

During data reduction, a handful of weak (I < 1% of Imax) reflections violating the R-centering condition were apparent. These could be accounted for by assuming a primitive trigonal cell of the same dimensions as that reported in the results section. However, no convincing model could be established in a primitive cell. The atomic parameters showed high correlations and oscilations when refined, suggesting that the primitive model symmetry was too low. Rhombohedral-symmetry breaking and superstructure reflections have been seen in other Nasicons (d'Yvoire et al., 1983). These have tentatively been associated with an ordering of the extra-framework cations, although no detailed structural models to account for this behaviour have yet been developed. For the present refinement, the largest difference peak is 0.69 Å from Na1.

Computing details top

Data collection: SMART (Bruker, 1997); cell refinement: SMART; data reduction: SMART; program(s) used to refine structure: CRYSTALS (Watkin et al., 1997); molecular graphics: ORTEP-3 (Farrugia, 1997) and ATOMS (Shape Software, 1999); software used to prepare material for publication: CRYSTALS.

Figures top
[Figure 1] Fig. 1. Fragment of the Na3Sc2(AsO4)3 structure (50% displacement ellipsoids) showing the bonding environments of the Sc and As cations. [Symmetry codes: (v) 1 + x-y, 1 - y, 1/2 - z; (vi) 1/3 - x + y, 2/3 + y, z + 7/6–1; (ix) -x, -x + y, 1/2 - z; (x) y, 1 - x, 1/2 - z; (xi) 1/3 + x, 2/3 + x-y, z + 7/6–1; (xii) 1/3 - y, 2/3 - x, z + 7/6–1.]
[Figure 2] Fig. 2. Polyhedral view down [110] of the Na3Sc2(AsO4)3 structure (ScO6 octahedra are shown with light shading, AsO4 tetrahedra with dark shading, Na1 as small circles and Na2 as large circles).
(I) top
Crystal data top
Na3Sc2(AsO4)3Dx = 3.41 Mg m3
Mr = 575.64Melting point: not measured K
Trigonal, R3cMo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
Hall symbol: -R 3 2"cCell parameters from 3531 reflections
a = 9.2760 (3) Åθ = 2.7–32.5°
c = 22.4640 (8) ŵ = 10.22 mm1
V = 1673.9 Å3T = 298 K
Z = 6Rod, colourless
F(000) = 1617.080.05 × 0.03 × 0.03 mm
Data collection top
Bruker SMART 1000
599 reflections with I > σ(I)
ω scansRint = 0.054
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Bruker, 1999)
θmax = 32.5°, θmin = 1.0°
Tmin = 0.536, Tmax = 0.695h = 1414
16306 measured reflectionsk = 1414
673 independent reflectionsl = 3333
Refinement top
Refinement on FSecondary atom site location: difference Fourier map
Least-squares matrix: full Chebychev polynomial with 3 parameters (Carruthers & Watkin, 1979) 0.225 0.116 0.141
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.027(Δ/σ)max = 0.0004
wR(F2) = 0.025Δρmax = 1.14 e Å3
S = 1.12Δρmin = 0.78 e Å3
599 reflectionsExtinction correction: Larson (1967)
37 parametersExtinction coefficient: 7 (2)
Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Crystal data top
Na3Sc2(AsO4)3Z = 6
Mr = 575.64Mo Kα radiation
Trigonal, R3cµ = 10.22 mm1
a = 9.2760 (3) ÅT = 298 K
c = 22.4640 (8) Å0.05 × 0.03 × 0.03 mm
V = 1673.9 Å3
Data collection top
Bruker SMART 1000
673 independent reflections
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Bruker, 1999)
599 reflections with I > σ(I)
Tmin = 0.536, Tmax = 0.695Rint = 0.054
16306 measured reflections
Refinement top
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.02737 parameters
wR(F2) = 0.025Δρmax = 1.14 e Å3
S = 1.12Δρmin = 0.78 e Å3
599 reflections
Special details top

Experimental. Collection of duplicate frames at the end of the data collection indicated that negligible crystal decay had occurred.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
xyzUiso*/UeqOcc. (<1)
Na10.00000.00000.00000.05451.028 (18)
Na20.0373 (3)0.33330.08330.02540.626 (11)
Sc10.33330.66670.31236 (3)0.0075
As10.00000.29458 (3)0.25000.0114
O10.1703 (2)0.3136 (2)0.24968 (8)0.0174
O20.0162 (3)0.2021 (3)0.18869 (13)0.0413
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Na10.075 (2)0.075 (2)0.0141 (15)0.0373 (12)0.00000.0000
Na20.0189 (12)0.0143 (13)0.0415 (17)0.0071 (6)0.0053 (5)0.011 (1)
Sc10.00744 (18)0.00744 (18)0.0078 (3)0.00372 (9)0.00000.0000
As10.00866 (15)0.00788 (13)0.01803 (16)0.00433 (7)0.00517 (11)0.00259 (5)
O10.0142 (7)0.0251 (9)0.0192 (8)0.0144 (7)0.0042 (6)0.0011 (7)
O20.0318 (12)0.0362 (12)0.0567 (16)0.018 (1)0.0077 (11)0.0348 (12)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
Na1—O1i2.4752 (18)Na2—O2x3.164 (3)
Na1—O1ii2.4752 (18)Na2—O2xi3.164 (3)
Na1—O1iii2.4752 (18)Sc1—O1xii2.1303 (17)
Na1—O1iv2.4752 (18)Sc1—O1xiii2.1303 (17)
Na1—O1v2.4752 (18)Sc1—O1xiv2.1303 (17)
Na1—O1vi2.4752 (18)Sc1—O2xv2.047 (2)
Na2—O1vii2.539 (3)Sc1—O2xvi2.047 (2)
Na2—O1vi2.539 (3)Sc1—O2xvii2.047 (2)
Na2—O1ii2.552 (2)As1—O11.6755 (17)
Na2—O1viii2.552 (2)As1—O1xiii1.6755 (17)
Na2—O22.624 (3)As1—O21.668 (2)
Na2—O2ix2.624 (3)As1—O2xiii1.668 (2)
O1i—Na1—O1ii180.0O1ii—Na2—O2xi54.12 (7)
O1i—Na1—O1iii68.62 (6)O1vi—Na2—O2xi113.11 (7)
O1ii—Na1—O1iii111.38 (6)O1viii—Na2—O2xi110.10 (9)
O1i—Na1—O1iv111.38 (6)O1vii—Na2—O2xi154.02 (7)
O1ii—Na1—O1iv68.62 (6)O2—Na2—O2x85.27 (6)
O1iii—Na1—O1iv180.0O2—Na2—O2ix161.91 (16)
O1i—Na1—O1v68.62 (6)O2x—Na2—O2ix108.87 (9)
O1ii—Na1—O1v111.38 (6)O2—Na2—O2xi108.87 (9)
O1iii—Na1—O1v68.62 (6)O2x—Na2—O2xi79.90 (13)
O1iv—Na1—O1v111.38 (6)O2ix—Na2—O2xi85.27 (6)
O1i—Na1—O1vi111.38 (6)O1xii—Sc1—O1xiii81.83 (7)
O1ii—Na1—O1vi68.62 (6)O1xii—Sc1—O1xiv81.83 (7)
O1iii—Na1—O1vi111.38 (6)O1xiii—Sc1—O1xiv81.83 (7)
O1iv—Na1—O1vi68.62 (6)O1xii—Sc1—O2xv87.7 (1)
O1v—Na1—O1vi180.0O1xiii—Sc1—O2xv167.24 (11)
O1ii—Na2—O1vi66.48 (8)O1xiv—Sc1—O2xv89.5 (1)
O1ii—Na2—O1viii161.81 (14)O1xii—Sc1—O2xvi89.5 (1)
O1vi—Na2—O1viii131.71 (9)O1xiii—Sc1—O2xvi87.7 (1)
O1ii—Na2—O1vii131.71 (9)O1xiv—Sc1—O2xvi167.24 (11)
O1vi—Na2—O1vii65.2 (1)O2xv—Sc1—O2xvi99.55 (12)
O1viii—Na2—O1vii66.48 (8)O1xii—Sc1—O2xvii167.24 (11)
O1ii—Na2—O268.01 (7)O1xiii—Sc1—O2xvii89.5 (1)
O1vi—Na2—O269.42 (8)O1xiv—Sc1—O2xvii87.7 (1)
O1viii—Na2—O2115.10 (6)O2xv—Sc1—O2xvii99.55 (12)
O1vii—Na2—O294.97 (9)O2xvi—Sc1—O2xvii99.55 (12)
O1ii—Na2—O2x110.10 (9)O1—As1—O1xiii109.51 (13)
O1vi—Na2—O2x154.02 (7)O1—As1—O2112.50 (11)
O1viii—Na2—O2x54.12 (7)O1xiii—As1—O2105.22 (12)
O1vii—Na2—O2x113.11 (7)O1—As1—O2xiii105.22 (12)
O1ii—Na2—O2ix115.10 (6)O1xiii—As1—O2xiii112.50 (11)
O1vi—Na2—O2ix94.97 (9)O2—As1—O2xiii112.0 (2)
O1viii—Na2—O2ix68.01 (7)Sc1xviii—O1—As1139.4 (1)
O1vii—Na2—O2ix69.42 (8)Sc1xix—O2—As1151.2 (2)
Symmetry codes: (i) x+1/3, y1/3, z1/3; (ii) x1/3, y+1/3, z+1/3; (iii) y+1/3, xy+2/3, z1/3; (iv) y1/3, x+y2/3, z+1/3; (v) x+y2/3, x1/3, z1/3; (vi) xy+2/3, x+1/3, z+1/3; (vii) y+2/3, x+1/3, z1/6; (viii) x+y1/3, y+1/3, z1/6; (ix) xy+1/3, y+2/3, z+1/6; (x) y1/3, x+y+1/3, z+1/3; (xi) x1/3, xy+1/3, z1/6; (xii) xy+1, y+1, z+1/2; (xiii) x, x+y, z+1/2; (xiv) y, x+1, z+1/2; (xv) x+y+1/3, y+2/3, z+1/6; (xvi) x+1/3, xy+2/3, z+1/6; (xvii) y+1/3, x+2/3, z+1/6; (xviii) xy, y+1, z+1/2; (xix) x+y1/3, y2/3, z1/6.

Experimental details

Crystal data
Chemical formulaNa3Sc2(AsO4)3
Crystal system, space groupTrigonal, R3c
Temperature (K)298
a, c (Å)9.2760 (3), 22.4640 (8)
Radiation typeMo Kα
µ (mm1)10.22
Crystal size (mm)0.05 × 0.03 × 0.03
Data collection
DiffractometerBruker SMART 1000
Absorption correctionMulti-scan
(SADABS; Bruker, 1999)
Tmin, Tmax0.536, 0.695
No. of measured, independent and
observed [I > σ(I)] reflections
16306, 673, 599
(sin θ/λ)max1)0.756
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)], wR(F2), S 0.027, 0.025, 1.12
No. of reflections599
No. of parameters37
No. of restraints?
Δρmax, Δρmin (e Å3)1.14, 0.78

Computer programs: SMART (Bruker, 1997), SMART, CRYSTALS (Watkin et al., 1997), ORTEP-3 (Farrugia, 1997) and ATOMS (Shape Software, 1999), CRYSTALS.

Selected geometric parameters (Å, º) top
Na1—O1i2.4752 (18)Sc1—O1v2.1303 (17)
Na2—O1ii2.539 (3)Sc1—O2vi2.047 (2)
Na2—O1iii2.552 (2)As1—O11.6755 (17)
Na2—O22.624 (3)As1—O21.668 (2)
Na2—O2iv3.164 (3)
Sc1vii—O1—As1139.4 (1)Sc1viii—O2—As1151.2 (2)
Symmetry codes: (i) x+1/3, y1/3, z1/3; (ii) y+2/3, x+1/3, z1/6; (iii) x1/3, y+1/3, z+1/3; (iv) y1/3, x+y+1/3, z+1/3; (v) xy+1, y+1, z+1/2; (vi) x+y+1/3, y+2/3, z+1/6; (vii) xy, y+1, z+1/2; (viii) x+y1/3, y2/3, z1/6.

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