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Monoclinic crystals of Bacillus stearothermophilus tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase grown in the presence of substrate trytophan (space group P21) display evidence of a low-resolution trigonal space group (P321). The origin and averaging transformations for the local 32 point group of this unusually clear sixfold non-crystallographic symmetry may be inferred without prior estimation of the electron density. This local symmetry was exploited in conjunction with solvent density contrast variation to determine the shape of the molecular envelope. X-ray intensities measured from crystals equilibrated in mother liquors of three different electron densities were used to estimate three parameters for each reflection: the modulus of the envelope transform, |Gh]; and components, Xh and Yh, relative to Gh, of the structure-factor vector for the transform of intramolecular density fluctuations. The moduli {|Gh|} behave somewhat like structure-factor amplitudes from small-molecule crystals, and estimation of their unknown phases was successfully carried out by statistical direct methods. Reflections to 18 Å resolution, which obey rather well the symmetry of space group P321, were merged to produce an asymmetric unit in that space group. |Gh| values for the 34 strongest of these were phased using the small-molecule direct-methods package MITHRIL [Gilmore (1984). J. Appl Cryst. 17, 42-46]. The best phase set was expanded back to the P21 lattice and negative density was truncated to generate initial phases for all reflections to 18 Å resolution. Phase refinement by iterative imposition of the local 32 symmetry produced an envelope with convincing features consistent with known properties of the enzyme. The envelope implies that the tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase dimer is an elongated structure with an axial ratio of about 4: 1, in which the monomers have two distinct domains of unequal size. The smaller of these occurs at the dimer interface, and resembles the nucleotide binding portion of the tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase. It may therefore contain the amino-terminal one hundred or so residues, including all three cysteines, previously suggested to comprise a nucleotide-binding domain in the tryptophanyl enzyme. A purely crystallographic test of the overall features of this envelope was carried out by transporting it to a tetragonal crystal form of the same protein in which the asymmetric unit is a monomer. The small domain fits snugly inside three mercury and one gold heavy-atom binding sites for this crystal form; and symmetry-related molecules provide excellent, but very different, lattice contacts in nearly all directions.