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computer programs
The contrast-variation technique is employed in multiple-contrast neutron/X-ray reflectometry experiments to highlight scattering from different structural components that are present at a surface or interface. The advantage of this technique is that the structural model used to describe the interfacial scattering length density profile must apply to all the contrasts measured. A new reflectivity analysis package, MOTOFIT, which runs in the IGOR Pro environment (
), has been created to aid the simultaneous fitting (with the same structural model) of these multiple-contrast data, using an intuitive graphical user interface, which most co-refinement packages do not possess. MOTOFIT uses a slab-model approach with the Abeles matrix method, and extensions for surface roughness to perform non-linear least-squares regression on the experimental reflectivity curves. Other features, such as the ability to create complicated interparameter constraints or analyse reflectivity from multilayers, simulated annealing, etc., make MOTOFIT a powerful reflectometry analysis package