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metal-organic compounds
The title molecule, [AsCl2(C6H11)3], has a distorted trigonal bipyramidal geometry with three equatorial cyclohexyl groups and axial Cl atoms. The As-C distances [1.990 (2), 1.988 (2) and 1.981 (3) Å] differ slightly, and the equatorial angles C-As-C are 117.35 (10), 117.60 (10) and 123.26 (8)°. The angle subtended at arsenic by the axial Cl atoms is 178.60 (2)° but the chlorine separation distances [2.4957 (7), 2.3029 (7) Å] differ substantially. The As atom lies out of the plane of the equatorial C atoms, suggesting a contribution from the ionic structure, [As(cyclo-C6H11)3Cl]+Cl-.