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The new X-ray free-electron laser source (SwissFEL) that is currently being developed at PSI will provide a broad-bandpass mode with an energy bandwidth of about 4%. By using the full energy range, a new option for structural studies of crystalline materials may become possible. The proof of concept of broad-bandpass diffraction presented here is based on Laue single-crystal microdiffraction and the experimental setup on BL12.3.2 at the Advanced Light Source in Berkeley. Diffraction patterns for 100 randomly oriented stationary crystallites of the MFI-type zeolite ZSM-5 were simulated assuming several bandwidths, and the statistical and structural results are discussed. With a 4% energy bandwidth, the number of reflection intensities measured in a single shot is significantly higher than with monochromatic radiation. Furthermore, the problem of partial reflection measurement, which is inherent to the monochromatic mode with stationary crystals, can be overcome.