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computer programs
FULLPAT is a quantitative X-ray diffraction methodology that merges the advantages of existing full-pattern fitting methods with the traditional reference intensity ratio (RIR) method. Like the Rietveld quantitative analysis method, it uses complete diffraction patterns, including the background. However, FULLPAT can explicitly analyze all phases in a sample, including partially ordered or amorphous phases such as glasses, clay minerals, or polymers. Addition of an internal standard to both library standards and unknown samples eliminates instrumental and matrix effects and allows unconstrained analyses to be conducted by direct fitting of library standard patterns to each phase in the sample. Standard patterns may include data for any solid material including glasses, and calculated patterns may also be used. A combination of standard patterns is fitted to observed patterns using least-squares minimization, thereby reducing user intervention and bias. FULLPAT has been coded into Microsoft EXCEL using standard spreadsheet functions.