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research papers
This paper describes the small-angle scattering beamline built at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS). Vertical focusing of the synchrotron beam is achieved by an elastically bent gold-plated cylindrical mirror. An asymmetric cut curved triangle-shaped silicon single crystal (111 reflection) is used for monochromatization and horizontal focusing. The mirror, monochromator optics and 2θ arm were designed to cover the spectral range between 1.0 and 2.0 Å. Three slit sets, a secondary photon shutter, two beam monitors, filters and absorbers, a multi-sample holder, a vacuum path, a beam-stopper and a set of detectors are the basic components of the workstation. The stepping motors are equipped with specially designed encoders. All mechanical and pneumatic movements and detectors can be remotely controlled using a direct panel or a PC.