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ReciPro is a comprehensive multipurpose crystallographic program equipped with an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI), and it is completely free and open source. This software has a built-in crystal database consisting of over 20 000 crystal models, and the visualization system can seamlessly display a specified crystal model as an attractive three-dimensional graphic. The comprehensive features are not confined to these crystal model databases and viewers. It can smoothly and quantitatively simulate not only single-crystal and/or polycrystalline (powder) diffraction patterns of X-ray, electron and neutron diffraction of a selected crystal model, based on the kinematic scattering theory, but also various electron diffraction patterns and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images, based on the dynamical scattering theory. The features of stereographic projection of crystal planes/axes to explore crystal orientation relationships and the semi-automatic diffraction spot indexing function for experimental diffraction patterns assist diffraction experiments and analyses. These features are linked through a user-friendly GUI, and the results can be synchronously displayed almost in real time. ReciPro will assist a wide range of crystallographers (including beginners) using X-ray, electron and neutron diffraction crystallography and TEM.

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