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The crystal structures of three copper(II)-bi­pyridine–MF6 (M = Si, Ta, Sn) compounds and a related coordination polymer are reported.

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Crystallographic Information File (CIF)
Contains datablocks global, II, III, IV, I

CCDC references: 2048914; 2048918; 2048917; 2048915

Key indicators

  • Single-crystal X-ray study
  • T = 100 K
  • Mean [sigma](C-C) = 0.002 Å
  • Mean [sigma](C-C) = 0.006 Å
  • Mean [sigma](C-C) = 0.006 Å
  • Mean [sigma](C-C) = 0.004 Å
  • R factor = 0.027
  • wR factor = 0.070
  • Data-to-parameter ratio = 17.8

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No syntax errors found

Datablock: I

Alert level C PLAT094_ALERT_2_C Ratio of Maximum / Minimum Residual Density .... 3.22 Report PLAT245_ALERT_2_C U(iso) H5A Smaller than U(eq) O5 by 0.014 Ang   2 PLAT354_ALERT_3_C Short O-H (X0.82,N0.98A) O5 - H5A . 0.69 Ang.
Alert level G PLAT005_ALERT_5_G No Embedded Refinement Details Found in the CIF Please Do ! PLAT083_ALERT_2_G SHELXL Second Parameter in WGHT Unusually Large 6.98 Why ? PLAT128_ALERT_4_G Alternate Setting for Input Space Group C2/c I2/a Note PLAT231_ALERT_4_G Hirshfeld Test (Solvent) Si1 --F1 . 6.8 s.u. PLAT231_ALERT_4_G Hirshfeld Test (Solvent) Si1 --F2 . 6.8 s.u. PLAT231_ALERT_4_G Hirshfeld Test (Solvent) Si1 --F4 . 7.2 s.u. PLAT232_ALERT_2_G Hirshfeld Test Diff (M-X) Cu1 --N2 . 6.0 s.u. PLAT232_ALERT_2_G Hirshfeld Test Diff (M-X) Cu1 --N4 . 5.6 s.u. PLAT794_ALERT_5_G Tentative Bond Valency for Cu1 (II) . 2.27 Info
0 ALERT level A = Most likely a serious problem - resolve or explain 0 ALERT level B = A potentially serious problem, consider carefully 3 ALERT level C = Check. Ensure it is not caused by an omission or oversight 9 ALERT level G = General information/check it is not something unexpected 0 ALERT type 1 CIF construction/syntax error, inconsistent or missing data 5 ALERT type 2 Indicator that the structure model may be wrong or deficient 1 ALERT type 3 Indicator that the structure quality may be low 4 ALERT type 4 Improvement, methodology, query or suggestion 2 ALERT type 5 Informative message, check
Datablock: II
Alert level C PLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors of Ta3 Check PLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors of Ta4 Check
Alert level G PLAT005_ALERT_5_G No Embedded Refinement Details Found in the CIF Please Do ! PLAT042_ALERT_1_G Calc. and Reported MoietyFormula Strings Differ Please Check PLAT045_ALERT_1_G Calculated and Reported Z Differ by a Factor ... 0.50 Check PLAT083_ALERT_2_G SHELXL Second Parameter in WGHT Unusually Large 5.16 Why ? PLAT154_ALERT_1_G The s.u.'s on the Cell Angles are Equal ..(Note) 0.001 Degree PLAT432_ALERT_2_G Short Inter X...Y Contact F8 ..C6 2.94 Ang. x,y,z = 1_555 Check PLAT790_ALERT_4_G Centre of Gravity not Within Unit Cell: Resd. # 3 Note F6 Ta PLAT790_ALERT_4_G Centre of Gravity not Within Unit Cell: Resd. # 5 Note F6 Ta PLAT794_ALERT_5_G Tentative Bond Valency for Ta1 (V) . 5.73 Info PLAT794_ALERT_5_G Tentative Bond Valency for Ta2 (V) . 5.74 Info PLAT794_ALERT_5_G Tentative Bond Valency for Ta3 (V) . 5.80 Info PLAT794_ALERT_5_G Tentative Bond Valency for Ta4 (V) . 5.77 Info
0 ALERT level A = Most likely a serious problem - resolve or explain 0 ALERT level B = A potentially serious problem, consider carefully 2 ALERT level C = Check. Ensure it is not caused by an omission or oversight 12 ALERT level G = General information/check it is not something unexpected 3 ALERT type 1 CIF construction/syntax error, inconsistent or missing data 2 ALERT type 2 Indicator that the structure model may be wrong or deficient 0 ALERT type 3 Indicator that the structure quality may be low 4 ALERT type 4 Improvement, methodology, query or suggestion 5 ALERT type 5 Informative message, check
Datablock: III

Alert level C STRVA01_ALERT_4_C Flack test results are ambiguous. From the CIF: _refine_ls_abs_structure_Flack 0.504 From the CIF: _refine_ls_abs_structure_Flack_su 0.001 PLAT244_ALERT_4_C Low 'Solvent' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors of Ta1 Check
Alert level G PLAT005_ALERT_5_G No Embedded Refinement Details Found in the CIF Please Do ! PLAT033_ALERT_4_G Flack x Value Deviates > 3.0 * sigma from Zero . 0.504 Note PLAT432_ALERT_2_G Short Inter X...Y Contact F5 ..C16 2.88 Ang. 1+x,1+y,z = 1_665 Check PLAT790_ALERT_4_G Centre of Gravity not Within Unit Cell: Resd. # 2 Note F6 Ta PLAT794_ALERT_5_G Tentative Bond Valency for Ta1 (V) . 5.86 Info PLAT794_ALERT_5_G Tentative Bond Valency for Ta2 (V) . 5.76 Info PLAT794_ALERT_5_G Tentative Bond Valency for Cu1 (I) . 1.22 Info
0 ALERT level A = Most likely a serious problem - resolve or explain 0 ALERT level B = A potentially serious problem, consider carefully 2 ALERT level C = Check. Ensure it is not caused by an omission or oversight 7 ALERT level G = General information/check it is not something unexpected 0 ALERT type 1 CIF construction/syntax error, inconsistent or missing data 1 ALERT type 2 Indicator that the structure model may be wrong or deficient 0 ALERT type 3 Indicator that the structure quality may be low 4 ALERT type 4 Improvement, methodology, query or suggestion 4 ALERT type 5 Informative message, check
Datablock: IV
Alert level C PLAT094_ALERT_2_C Ratio of Maximum / Minimum Residual Density .... 2.41 Report PLAT213_ALERT_2_C Atom C3 has ADP max/min Ratio ..... 3.5 prolat PLAT250_ALERT_2_C Large U3/U1 Ratio for Average U(i,j) Tensor .... 2.9 Note
Alert level G PLAT004_ALERT_5_G Polymeric Structure Found with Maximum Dimension 1 Info PLAT005_ALERT_5_G No Embedded Refinement Details Found in the CIF Please Do ! PLAT794_ALERT_5_G Tentative Bond Valency for Sn1 (IV) . 4.32 Info PLAT794_ALERT_5_G Tentative Bond Valency for Cu1 (II) . 2.21 Info
0 ALERT level A = Most likely a serious problem - resolve or explain 0 ALERT level B = A potentially serious problem, consider carefully 3 ALERT level C = Check. Ensure it is not caused by an omission or oversight 4 ALERT level G = General information/check it is not something unexpected 0 ALERT type 1 CIF construction/syntax error, inconsistent or missing data 3 ALERT type 2 Indicator that the structure model may be wrong or deficient 0 ALERT type 3 Indicator that the structure quality may be low 0 ALERT type 4 Improvement, methodology, query or suggestion 4 ALERT type 5 Informative message, check

Computing details top

Data collection: APEX2 (Bruker, 2017) for (I), (III); CrysAlis PRO (Rigaku OD, 2020) for (II), (IV). Cell refinement: SAINT (Bruker, 2016) for (I), (III); CrysAlis PRO (Rigaku OD, 2020) for (II), (IV). Data reduction: SAINT (Bruker, 2016) for (I), (III); CrysAlis PRO (Rigaku OD, 2020) for (II), (IV). For all structures, program(s) used to solve structure: SHELXT (Sheldrick, 2015a); program(s) used to refine structure: SHELXL (Sheldrick, 2015b); molecular graphics: OLEX2 (Dolomanov et al., 2009); software used to prepare material for publication: OLEX2 (Dolomanov et al., 2009).

Aquabis(2,2'-bipyridine-κ2N,N')copper(II) hexafluoridosilicate tetrahydrate (I) top
Crystal data top
[Cu(C10H8N2)2(H2O)][SiF6]·4H2OF(000) = 2488
Mr = 608.08Dx = 1.683 Mg m3
Monoclinic, C2/cMo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
a = 25.4971 (16) ÅCell parameters from 9731 reflections
b = 13.3573 (9) Åθ = 2.8–29.4°
c = 18.944 (2) ŵ = 1.05 mm1
β = 131.949 (1)°T = 100 K
V = 4798.5 (7) Å3Block, blue
Z = 80.30 × 0.26 × 0.15 mm
Data collection top
6660 independent reflections
Radiation source: sealed tube5863 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Triumph monochromatorRint = 0.050
Detector resolution: 8 pixels mm-1θmax = 29.5°, θmin = 1.9°
φ and ω scansh = 3534
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Bruker, 2016)
k = 1818
Tmin = 0.694, Tmax = 0.746l = 2426
57770 measured reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Primary atom site location: dual
Least-squares matrix: fullHydrogen site location: mixed
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.027H atoms treated by a mixture of independent and constrained refinement
wR(F2) = 0.070 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0277P)2 + 6.982P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
S = 1.04(Δ/σ)max = 0.001
6660 reflectionsΔρmax = 0.79 e Å3
374 parametersΔρmin = 0.24 e Å3
0 restraints
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Cu10.38373 (2)0.37571 (2)0.22886 (2)0.01115 (5)
O10.30718 (6)0.41614 (9)0.23571 (8)0.0177 (2)
H1A0.3036 (13)0.3839 (18)0.2650 (17)0.035 (6)*
H1B0.3081 (12)0.4726 (19)0.2479 (16)0.033 (6)*
N10.37806 (6)0.26410 (8)0.15033 (8)0.0120 (2)
N30.46003 (6)0.48439 (9)0.31770 (8)0.0122 (2)
N40.44106 (6)0.30358 (8)0.35115 (8)0.0124 (2)
N20.32619 (6)0.44426 (9)0.10503 (8)0.0124 (2)
C60.31103 (7)0.39110 (10)0.03265 (9)0.0117 (2)
C160.49954 (7)0.35110 (10)0.42717 (9)0.0122 (2)
C150.51060 (7)0.45257 (10)0.40829 (9)0.0120 (2)
C170.54345 (8)0.30770 (11)0.51640 (10)0.0164 (3)
C40.33051 (8)0.22242 (11)0.00601 (10)0.0166 (3)
C50.34040 (7)0.28885 (10)0.05837 (9)0.0120 (2)
C110.46479 (8)0.57742 (10)0.29641 (10)0.0156 (3)
C180.52625 (8)0.21425 (11)0.52759 (10)0.0181 (3)
C120.51911 (8)0.64187 (11)0.36212 (11)0.0177 (3)
C200.42436 (8)0.21398 (10)0.36308 (10)0.0149 (3)
C140.56701 (8)0.51293 (11)0.47781 (10)0.0168 (3)
C190.46602 (8)0.16686 (11)0.45043 (10)0.0165 (3)
C100.30008 (8)0.53675 (10)0.08876 (10)0.0151 (3)
C30.36042 (9)0.12784 (11)0.02521 (11)0.0197 (3)
C20.39978 (9)0.10290 (11)0.11951 (11)0.0192 (3)
C90.26007 (8)0.58174 (11)0.00054 (10)0.0165 (3)
C130.57152 (8)0.60901 (11)0.45437 (11)0.0187 (3)
C70.27095 (8)0.43169 (11)0.05742 (10)0.0159 (3)
C10.40748 (8)0.17297 (10)0.17963 (10)0.0158 (3)
C80.24582 (8)0.52859 (11)0.07328 (10)0.0178 (3)
Si10.23943 (2)0.20875 (3)0.28568 (3)0.01040 (8)
F40.30094 (5)0.12511 (7)0.36761 (6)0.02014 (19)
F20.26224 (5)0.18737 (8)0.22236 (6)0.0246 (2)
F60.17998 (5)0.11481 (6)0.22816 (6)0.02098 (19)
F30.30005 (5)0.30181 (7)0.34414 (6)0.01928 (18)
F50.21850 (6)0.23088 (7)0.35102 (8)0.0248 (2)
F10.17872 (5)0.29058 (7)0.20409 (7)0.0281 (2)
O20.14362 (8)0.48395 (10)0.17503 (12)0.0332 (3)
H2A0.1591 (11)0.4330 (17)0.1834 (15)0.023 (5)*
H2B0.1657 (13)0.5213 (19)0.1710 (17)0.036 (6)*
O30.39995 (8)0.19743 (10)0.68756 (10)0.0252 (3)
H3A0.3668 (14)0.2152 (18)0.6774 (17)0.037 (7)*
H3B0.4124 (14)0.156 (2)0.7206 (19)0.046 (8)*
O40.41008 (7)0.12569 (10)0.56108 (9)0.0246 (3)
H4A0.3995 (12)0.1479 (17)0.5847 (16)0.028 (6)*
H4B0.3776 (14)0.1313 (17)0.5077 (19)0.036 (7)*
O50.54187 (8)0.03556 (10)0.68866 (10)0.0267 (3)
H5A0.5100 (11)0.0531 (15)0.6479 (15)0.013 (5)*
H5B0.5669 (13)0.0274 (18)0.6773 (17)0.040 (7)*
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Cu10.01351 (9)0.00970 (8)0.00754 (8)0.00123 (6)0.00592 (7)0.00124 (5)
O10.0241 (6)0.0120 (5)0.0260 (6)0.0011 (4)0.0205 (5)0.0028 (4)
N10.0122 (6)0.0115 (5)0.0113 (5)0.0010 (4)0.0075 (5)0.0002 (4)
N30.0126 (6)0.0127 (5)0.0104 (5)0.0005 (4)0.0074 (5)0.0006 (4)
N40.0132 (6)0.0124 (5)0.0110 (5)0.0015 (4)0.0078 (5)0.0019 (4)
N20.0138 (6)0.0115 (5)0.0103 (5)0.0019 (4)0.0074 (5)0.0009 (4)
C60.0118 (6)0.0125 (6)0.0107 (6)0.0002 (5)0.0074 (5)0.0001 (5)
C160.0122 (6)0.0132 (6)0.0121 (6)0.0020 (5)0.0085 (5)0.0014 (5)
C150.0117 (6)0.0136 (6)0.0115 (6)0.0010 (5)0.0080 (5)0.0006 (5)
C170.0128 (7)0.0194 (7)0.0114 (6)0.0012 (5)0.0058 (6)0.0015 (5)
C40.0212 (8)0.0165 (6)0.0141 (6)0.0005 (5)0.0126 (6)0.0010 (5)
C50.0116 (6)0.0122 (6)0.0118 (6)0.0000 (5)0.0078 (5)0.0004 (5)
C110.0179 (7)0.0141 (6)0.0144 (6)0.0008 (5)0.0105 (6)0.0016 (5)
C180.0171 (7)0.0211 (7)0.0134 (6)0.0056 (5)0.0090 (6)0.0078 (5)
C120.0206 (7)0.0137 (6)0.0201 (7)0.0039 (5)0.0141 (6)0.0014 (5)
C200.0151 (7)0.0151 (6)0.0142 (6)0.0003 (5)0.0097 (6)0.0015 (5)
C140.0145 (7)0.0189 (7)0.0130 (6)0.0010 (5)0.0075 (6)0.0011 (5)
C190.0193 (7)0.0146 (6)0.0191 (7)0.0033 (5)0.0142 (6)0.0049 (5)
C100.0170 (7)0.0129 (6)0.0138 (6)0.0017 (5)0.0097 (6)0.0004 (5)
C30.0268 (8)0.0155 (6)0.0216 (7)0.0002 (6)0.0181 (7)0.0038 (5)
C20.0240 (8)0.0133 (6)0.0241 (7)0.0044 (5)0.0177 (7)0.0011 (5)
C90.0169 (7)0.0136 (6)0.0144 (6)0.0041 (5)0.0085 (6)0.0037 (5)
C130.0166 (7)0.0188 (7)0.0181 (7)0.0049 (5)0.0105 (6)0.0053 (5)
C70.0167 (7)0.0179 (6)0.0103 (6)0.0007 (5)0.0078 (6)0.0006 (5)
C10.0178 (7)0.0133 (6)0.0159 (6)0.0037 (5)0.0111 (6)0.0029 (5)
C80.0177 (7)0.0183 (7)0.0123 (6)0.0033 (5)0.0080 (6)0.0047 (5)
Si10.01073 (18)0.00884 (15)0.00999 (16)0.00026 (13)0.00624 (15)0.00056 (12)
F40.0190 (5)0.0192 (4)0.0132 (4)0.0048 (3)0.0070 (4)0.0019 (3)
F20.0299 (5)0.0312 (5)0.0166 (4)0.0035 (4)0.0171 (4)0.0048 (4)
F60.0171 (4)0.0126 (4)0.0194 (4)0.0030 (3)0.0065 (4)0.0002 (3)
F30.0205 (5)0.0198 (4)0.0144 (4)0.0078 (3)0.0103 (4)0.0032 (3)
F50.0360 (6)0.0175 (4)0.0397 (6)0.0025 (4)0.0331 (5)0.0043 (4)
F10.0198 (5)0.0147 (4)0.0271 (5)0.0010 (4)0.0063 (4)0.0065 (4)
O20.0311 (7)0.0166 (6)0.0643 (10)0.0028 (5)0.0371 (8)0.0061 (6)
O30.0239 (7)0.0252 (6)0.0312 (7)0.0023 (5)0.0204 (6)0.0025 (5)
O40.0253 (7)0.0281 (6)0.0154 (6)0.0004 (5)0.0116 (6)0.0012 (5)
O50.0242 (7)0.0280 (6)0.0323 (7)0.0018 (5)0.0207 (7)0.0037 (5)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
Cu1—O12.1112 (11)C20—C191.3831 (19)
Cu1—N12.0419 (12)C14—H140.9500
Cu1—N32.0849 (12)C14—C131.388 (2)
Cu1—N41.9760 (11)C19—H190.9500
Cu1—N21.9730 (11)C10—H100.9500
O1—H1A0.76 (3)C10—C91.3841 (19)
O1—H1B0.78 (2)C3—H30.9500
N1—C51.3527 (17)C3—C21.383 (2)
N1—C11.3401 (17)C2—H20.9500
N3—C151.3528 (17)C2—C11.383 (2)
N3—C111.3368 (17)C9—H90.9500
N4—C161.3525 (18)C9—C81.383 (2)
N4—C201.3392 (18)C13—H130.9500
N2—C61.3510 (17)C7—H70.9500
N2—C101.3379 (18)C7—C81.385 (2)
C6—C51.4749 (18)C1—H10.9500
C6—C71.3852 (18)C8—H80.9500
C16—C151.4761 (19)Si1—F41.6918 (9)
C16—C171.3845 (19)Si1—F21.6708 (10)
C15—C141.3860 (19)Si1—F61.6886 (9)
C17—H170.9500Si1—F31.6947 (9)
C17—C181.386 (2)Si1—F51.6695 (10)
C4—H40.9500Si1—F11.6677 (10)
C4—C51.3883 (19)O2—H2A0.75 (2)
C4—C31.387 (2)O2—H2B0.79 (3)
C11—H110.9500O3—H3A0.77 (3)
C11—C121.380 (2)O3—H3B0.73 (3)
C18—H180.9500O4—H4A0.72 (2)
C18—C191.376 (2)O4—H4B0.77 (3)
C12—H120.9500O5—H5A0.69 (2)
C12—C131.382 (2)O5—H5B0.81 (3)
N1—Cu1—O1127.84 (5)N4—C20—H20118.9
N1—Cu1—N3132.07 (5)N4—C20—C19122.15 (14)
N3—Cu1—O1100.04 (5)C19—C20—H20118.9
N4—Cu1—O192.43 (5)C15—C14—H14120.4
N4—Cu1—N197.75 (5)C15—C14—C13119.29 (13)
N4—Cu1—N380.40 (5)C13—C14—H14120.4
N2—Cu1—O188.34 (5)C18—C19—C20118.74 (13)
N2—Cu1—N180.70 (5)C18—C19—H19120.6
N2—Cu1—N3100.81 (5)C20—C19—H19120.6
N2—Cu1—N4178.43 (5)N2—C10—H10119.0
Cu1—O1—H1A118.2 (18)N2—C10—C9122.06 (13)
Cu1—O1—H1B114.6 (17)C9—C10—H10119.0
H1A—O1—H1B109 (2)C4—C3—H3120.4
C5—N1—Cu1113.79 (9)C2—C3—C4119.18 (13)
C1—N1—Cu1127.88 (10)C2—C3—H3120.4
C1—N1—C5118.32 (12)C3—C2—H2120.6
C15—N3—Cu1112.90 (9)C1—C2—C3118.80 (14)
C11—N3—Cu1128.87 (10)C1—C2—H2120.6
C11—N3—C15118.23 (12)C10—C9—H9120.6
C16—N4—Cu1116.39 (9)C8—C9—C10118.78 (13)
C20—N4—Cu1124.34 (10)C8—C9—H9120.6
C20—N4—C16119.23 (12)C12—C13—C14118.78 (14)
C6—N2—Cu1116.33 (9)C12—C13—H13120.6
C10—N2—Cu1124.23 (9)C14—C13—H13120.6
C10—N2—C6119.40 (12)C6—C7—H7120.4
N2—C6—C5114.45 (11)C6—C7—C8119.10 (13)
N2—C6—C7121.29 (12)C8—C7—H7120.4
C7—C6—C5124.26 (12)N1—C1—C2122.79 (13)
N4—C16—C15115.22 (12)N1—C1—H1118.6
N4—C16—C17121.31 (13)C2—C1—H1118.6
C17—C16—C15123.42 (13)C9—C8—C7119.32 (13)
N3—C15—C16114.92 (12)C9—C8—H8120.3
N3—C15—C14121.76 (13)C7—C8—H8120.3
C14—C15—C16123.29 (12)F4—Si1—F390.21 (5)
C16—C17—H17120.5F2—Si1—F489.52 (5)
C16—C17—C18118.93 (14)F2—Si1—F690.16 (5)
C18—C17—H17120.5F2—Si1—F389.51 (5)
C5—C4—H4120.6F6—Si1—F489.03 (5)
C3—C4—H4120.6F6—Si1—F3179.18 (5)
C3—C4—C5118.83 (13)F5—Si1—F489.80 (5)
N1—C5—C6114.73 (11)F5—Si1—F2178.71 (6)
N1—C5—C4122.06 (13)F5—Si1—F690.92 (5)
C4—C5—C6123.21 (12)F5—Si1—F389.40 (5)
N3—C11—H11118.4F1—Si1—F4179.43 (6)
N3—C11—C12123.13 (13)F1—Si1—F289.97 (6)
C12—C11—H11118.4F1—Si1—F690.70 (5)
C17—C18—H18120.2F1—Si1—F390.05 (5)
C19—C18—C17119.62 (13)F1—Si1—F590.71 (6)
C19—C18—H18120.2H2A—O2—H2B106 (2)
C11—C12—H12120.6H3A—O3—H3B103 (3)
C11—C12—C13118.79 (13)H4A—O4—H4B105 (2)
C13—C12—H12120.6H5A—O5—H5B107 (2)
Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, º) top
O1—H1A···F30.76 (3)1.91 (3)2.6616 (14)177 (3)
O1—H1B···F6i0.78 (2)1.93 (2)2.7053 (14)170 (2)
O2—H2A···F10.75 (2)1.94 (2)2.6677 (17)164 (2)
O2—H2B···F4i0.79 (3)2.00 (3)2.7807 (17)167 (2)
O3—H3A···F5ii0.77 (3)1.99 (3)2.7607 (18)177 (3)
O3—H3B···O5iii0.73 (3)2.06 (3)2.779 (2)171 (3)
O4—H4A···O30.72 (2)2.05 (2)2.749 (2)162 (2)
O4—H4B···F40.77 (3)1.98 (3)2.7462 (16)170 (2)
O5—H5A···O40.69 (2)2.13 (2)2.779 (2)158 (2)
O5—H5B···O2iv0.81 (3)1.99 (3)2.786 (2)169 (2)
Symmetry codes: (i) x+1/2, y+1/2, z+1/2; (ii) x+1/2, y+1/2, z+1; (iii) x+1, y, z+3/2; (iv) x+1/2, y+1/2, z+1/2.
Bis(2,2'-bipyridine-3κ2N,N')-di-µ-fluorido-1:3κ2F:F;2:3κ2F:F-decafluorido-1κ5F,2κ5F-copper(II)ditantalum(V) (II) top
Crystal data top
[CuTa2F12(C10H8N2)2]Z = 4
Mr = 965.81F(000) = 1788
Triclinic, P1Dx = 2.543 Mg m3
a = 9.5465 (1) ÅMo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
b = 10.5102 (1) ÅCell parameters from 52090 reflections
c = 25.9853 (4) Åθ = 2.1–33.9°
α = 96.723 (1)°µ = 9.60 mm1
β = 100.256 (1)°T = 100 K
γ = 96.672 (1)°Plate, blue
V = 2522.78 (5) Å30.52 × 0.32 × 0.22 mm
Data collection top
Rigaku Oxford Diffraction XtaLAB Synergy, Single source at offset/far, HyPix
18263 independent reflections
Radiation source: micro-focus sealed X-ray tube, PhotonJet (Mo) X-ray Source15170 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Mirror monochromatorRint = 0.060
Detector resolution: 10.0000 pixels mm-1θmax = 33.9°, θmin = 2.0°
ω scansh = 1413
Absorption correction: gaussian
Crysalispro (Rigaku OD, 2020)
k = 1616
Tmin = 0.035, Tmax = 0.414l = 4039
93570 measured reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Hydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
Least-squares matrix: fullH-atom parameters constrained
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.037 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0409P)2 + 5.1565P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
wR(F2) = 0.088(Δ/σ)max = 0.002
S = 1.05Δρmax = 1.67 e Å3
18263 reflectionsΔρmin = 3.53 e Å3
704 parametersExtinction correction: SHELXL-2018/3 (Sheldrick 2015b), Fc*=kFc[1+0.001xFc2λ3/sin(2θ)]-1/4
0 restraintsExtinction coefficient: 0.00034 (4)
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ta20.98596 (2)1.10178 (2)0.12906 (2)0.01573 (4)
Ta10.41338 (2)0.45975 (2)0.10819 (2)0.01761 (4)
Cu10.68618 (5)0.78568 (5)0.13192 (2)0.01516 (9)
F90.9510 (3)1.1887 (3)0.19295 (10)0.0252 (5)
F50.2489 (3)0.4552 (3)0.14002 (11)0.0267 (6)
F80.7872 (3)1.0564 (3)0.10038 (11)0.0260 (6)
F121.0286 (3)1.0247 (3)0.06509 (10)0.0239 (5)
F111.1860 (3)1.1389 (3)0.15719 (11)0.0262 (6)
F30.5185 (3)0.4088 (3)0.16953 (11)0.0247 (5)
F70.9770 (3)0.9436 (3)0.15757 (11)0.0294 (6)
F40.3621 (3)0.2852 (3)0.07704 (12)0.0305 (6)
F100.9810 (3)1.2592 (2)0.10011 (11)0.0256 (6)
F20.5792 (3)0.4746 (3)0.07763 (12)0.0331 (6)
F60.3068 (3)0.5133 (3)0.04785 (11)0.0270 (6)
F10.4651 (3)0.6364 (2)0.14024 (11)0.0269 (6)
N30.7804 (4)0.6735 (3)0.17963 (14)0.0160 (6)
N10.5349 (3)0.8408 (3)0.08062 (14)0.0157 (6)
N40.8057 (4)0.7153 (3)0.08444 (14)0.0152 (6)
N20.6440 (4)0.9307 (3)0.17981 (14)0.0157 (6)
C20.3580 (5)0.8158 (4)0.00134 (18)0.0216 (8)
C200.8274 (4)0.7603 (4)0.04025 (17)0.0175 (7)
C170.9999 (5)0.5935 (4)0.08156 (18)0.0215 (8)
C50.4765 (4)0.9423 (4)0.10083 (16)0.0152 (7)
C70.5236 (4)1.1185 (4)0.17918 (17)0.0185 (8)
C60.5475 (4)1.0002 (4)0.15501 (16)0.0162 (7)
C110.7482 (4)0.6497 (4)0.22631 (17)0.0189 (8)
C120.7986 (5)0.5507 (4)0.25202 (17)0.0200 (8)
C150.8624 (4)0.5978 (4)0.15622 (16)0.0157 (7)
C80.6014 (5)1.1659 (4)0.22958 (17)0.0206 (8)
C190.9357 (5)0.7250 (4)0.01437 (17)0.0208 (8)
C90.6985 (5)1.0938 (4)0.25498 (18)0.0211 (8)
C30.2968 (4)0.9182 (4)0.02197 (17)0.0207 (8)
C160.8910 (4)0.6331 (4)0.10567 (16)0.0158 (7)
C10.4762 (4)0.7779 (4)0.03212 (16)0.0182 (7)
C140.9133 (4)0.4946 (4)0.17934 (17)0.0197 (8)
C40.3562 (4)0.9825 (4)0.07255 (17)0.0184 (8)
C181.0233 (5)0.6418 (4)0.03578 (18)0.0230 (8)
C100.7175 (4)0.9771 (4)0.22842 (16)0.0179 (7)
C130.8803 (5)0.4712 (4)0.22762 (18)0.0216 (8)
Ta30.00635 (2)0.33576 (2)0.38898 (2)0.02034 (4)
Ta40.63142 (2)0.13811 (2)0.36861 (2)0.02023 (4)
Cu20.29152 (6)0.10318 (5)0.36059 (2)0.01799 (10)
F210.8047 (3)0.0728 (3)0.34984 (13)0.0329 (7)
F130.0337 (3)0.1905 (3)0.34529 (12)0.0312 (6)
F230.5569 (3)0.2131 (3)0.29738 (11)0.0307 (6)
F160.0387 (3)0.4811 (3)0.43312 (13)0.0359 (7)
F240.4541 (3)0.2063 (4)0.38472 (13)0.0458 (9)
F150.1820 (3)0.3384 (3)0.34261 (12)0.0359 (7)
F190.5514 (3)0.0146 (3)0.35417 (13)0.0383 (7)
F220.7064 (3)0.2934 (3)0.38108 (16)0.0460 (9)
F140.0971 (4)0.2243 (3)0.42789 (14)0.0484 (9)
F200.6966 (4)0.0686 (4)0.44044 (13)0.0504 (9)
N70.1943 (4)0.0253 (3)0.39661 (14)0.0170 (6)
F170.0823 (4)0.4475 (3)0.34739 (15)0.0440 (8)
N50.3281 (4)0.2525 (3)0.32378 (14)0.0182 (7)
N60.4368 (4)0.2126 (3)0.41895 (14)0.0181 (7)
N80.2405 (4)0.0415 (3)0.29996 (15)0.0191 (7)
F180.1739 (4)0.3349 (4)0.43259 (17)0.0627 (12)
C390.2640 (5)0.1563 (4)0.21782 (18)0.0218 (8)
C260.4974 (4)0.3223 (4)0.40414 (17)0.0178 (7)
C230.3995 (5)0.4718 (4)0.2798 (2)0.0259 (9)
C350.1492 (4)0.1430 (4)0.36712 (16)0.0168 (7)
C330.0475 (5)0.2200 (4)0.43722 (18)0.0221 (8)
C370.1677 (4)0.2708 (4)0.28085 (17)0.0199 (8)
C220.2878 (5)0.3774 (4)0.25324 (18)0.0233 (8)
C310.1648 (4)0.0038 (4)0.44524 (17)0.0202 (8)
C340.0740 (5)0.2408 (4)0.38662 (18)0.0212 (8)
C270.6082 (5)0.4046 (5)0.43749 (19)0.0254 (9)
C320.0950 (5)0.1001 (4)0.46741 (18)0.0217 (8)
C360.1841 (4)0.1539 (4)0.31391 (16)0.0166 (7)
C290.5970 (5)0.2631 (5)0.50230 (19)0.0272 (9)
C210.2552 (5)0.2689 (4)0.27675 (17)0.0214 (8)
C250.4332 (4)0.3463 (4)0.35056 (17)0.0180 (7)
C240.4716 (5)0.4571 (4)0.32964 (18)0.0226 (8)
C380.2078 (5)0.2715 (4)0.23199 (19)0.0232 (9)
C300.4876 (5)0.1833 (4)0.46724 (17)0.0215 (8)
C400.2796 (5)0.0435 (4)0.25308 (17)0.0215 (8)
C280.6592 (5)0.3750 (5)0.4873 (2)0.0293 (10)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ta20.01384 (7)0.01637 (7)0.01688 (8)0.00172 (5)0.00301 (6)0.00224 (6)
Ta10.01627 (8)0.01625 (8)0.02005 (8)0.00161 (6)0.00173 (6)0.00487 (6)
Cu10.0163 (2)0.0154 (2)0.0156 (2)0.00803 (17)0.00351 (17)0.00329 (17)
F90.0252 (13)0.0316 (14)0.0196 (13)0.0051 (11)0.0082 (10)0.0003 (10)
F50.0206 (12)0.0359 (15)0.0268 (14)0.0074 (11)0.0059 (10)0.0120 (12)
F80.0158 (11)0.0372 (15)0.0237 (13)0.0007 (10)0.0022 (10)0.0056 (11)
F120.0263 (13)0.0245 (13)0.0211 (13)0.0048 (10)0.0066 (10)0.0008 (10)
F110.0153 (11)0.0350 (15)0.0263 (14)0.0025 (10)0.0027 (10)0.0012 (11)
F30.0234 (12)0.0226 (12)0.0267 (14)0.0041 (10)0.0023 (10)0.0076 (10)
F70.0364 (15)0.0221 (13)0.0290 (15)0.0037 (11)0.0015 (12)0.0091 (11)
F40.0407 (16)0.0173 (12)0.0287 (15)0.0020 (11)0.0023 (12)0.0000 (11)
F100.0352 (15)0.0184 (12)0.0280 (14)0.0070 (10)0.0140 (11)0.0069 (10)
F20.0247 (14)0.0439 (17)0.0319 (16)0.0030 (12)0.0093 (12)0.0062 (13)
F60.0278 (13)0.0303 (14)0.0227 (13)0.0026 (11)0.0000 (11)0.0117 (11)
F10.0296 (14)0.0183 (12)0.0300 (15)0.0009 (10)0.0004 (11)0.0029 (10)
N30.0158 (15)0.0143 (14)0.0187 (16)0.0053 (12)0.0041 (12)0.0016 (12)
N10.0146 (14)0.0137 (14)0.0202 (17)0.0051 (11)0.0038 (12)0.0038 (12)
N40.0160 (15)0.0129 (14)0.0174 (16)0.0022 (11)0.0033 (12)0.0038 (12)
N20.0160 (15)0.0150 (14)0.0175 (16)0.0050 (12)0.0046 (12)0.0029 (12)
C20.0221 (19)0.0216 (19)0.020 (2)0.0054 (15)0.0001 (16)0.0030 (16)
C200.0166 (17)0.0168 (17)0.0206 (19)0.0036 (14)0.0042 (15)0.0069 (14)
C170.0194 (19)0.022 (2)0.024 (2)0.0082 (15)0.0056 (16)0.0004 (16)
C50.0154 (16)0.0151 (16)0.0179 (18)0.0046 (13)0.0060 (14)0.0066 (14)
C70.0164 (17)0.0166 (17)0.024 (2)0.0054 (14)0.0058 (15)0.0023 (15)
C60.0149 (17)0.0159 (17)0.0205 (19)0.0054 (13)0.0062 (14)0.0061 (14)
C110.0187 (18)0.0192 (18)0.0190 (19)0.0046 (14)0.0036 (15)0.0022 (15)
C120.0231 (19)0.0213 (19)0.0171 (19)0.0032 (15)0.0043 (15)0.0082 (15)
C150.0139 (16)0.0158 (17)0.0175 (18)0.0043 (13)0.0022 (14)0.0016 (14)
C80.0221 (19)0.0179 (18)0.022 (2)0.0032 (15)0.0071 (16)0.0005 (15)
C190.0218 (19)0.0219 (19)0.020 (2)0.0021 (15)0.0085 (16)0.0030 (15)
C90.0214 (19)0.0197 (19)0.021 (2)0.0008 (15)0.0043 (16)0.0010 (15)
C30.0170 (18)0.024 (2)0.021 (2)0.0066 (15)0.0005 (15)0.0056 (16)
C160.0163 (17)0.0135 (16)0.0176 (18)0.0029 (13)0.0032 (14)0.0013 (13)
C10.0207 (18)0.0179 (18)0.0177 (19)0.0067 (15)0.0046 (15)0.0032 (14)
C140.0188 (18)0.0176 (18)0.023 (2)0.0048 (14)0.0033 (15)0.0016 (15)
C40.0164 (17)0.0169 (17)0.024 (2)0.0069 (14)0.0039 (15)0.0047 (15)
C180.021 (2)0.025 (2)0.025 (2)0.0069 (16)0.0092 (17)0.0003 (17)
C100.0192 (18)0.0190 (18)0.0163 (18)0.0045 (14)0.0037 (14)0.0033 (14)
C130.023 (2)0.0180 (18)0.023 (2)0.0063 (15)0.0007 (16)0.0056 (15)
Ta30.02110 (8)0.01596 (8)0.02421 (9)0.00380 (6)0.00382 (6)0.00350 (6)
Ta40.01788 (8)0.02380 (9)0.01855 (9)0.00452 (6)0.00136 (6)0.00287 (6)
Cu20.0231 (2)0.0138 (2)0.0162 (2)0.00050 (18)0.00276 (19)0.00333 (17)
F210.0188 (13)0.0342 (15)0.0464 (18)0.0008 (11)0.0027 (12)0.0167 (14)
F130.0352 (15)0.0216 (13)0.0429 (18)0.0083 (11)0.0209 (13)0.0048 (12)
F230.0284 (14)0.0391 (16)0.0215 (14)0.0037 (12)0.0046 (11)0.0073 (12)
F160.0457 (18)0.0243 (14)0.0370 (17)0.0067 (13)0.0116 (14)0.0048 (12)
F240.0234 (14)0.084 (3)0.0337 (18)0.0028 (16)0.0096 (13)0.0226 (17)
F150.0379 (16)0.0344 (16)0.0317 (16)0.0131 (13)0.0044 (13)0.0014 (13)
F190.0375 (16)0.0310 (16)0.0461 (19)0.0211 (13)0.0008 (14)0.0011 (14)
F220.0273 (15)0.0263 (15)0.078 (3)0.0024 (12)0.0137 (16)0.0199 (16)
F140.078 (3)0.0344 (17)0.049 (2)0.0158 (17)0.0395 (19)0.0197 (15)
F200.065 (2)0.057 (2)0.0195 (15)0.0035 (18)0.0066 (15)0.0008 (14)
N70.0184 (15)0.0156 (15)0.0169 (16)0.0031 (12)0.0034 (12)0.0013 (12)
F170.057 (2)0.0232 (14)0.059 (2)0.0018 (14)0.0350 (18)0.0055 (14)
N50.0195 (16)0.0171 (15)0.0180 (16)0.0004 (12)0.0040 (13)0.0043 (12)
N60.0187 (16)0.0181 (16)0.0180 (16)0.0049 (13)0.0036 (13)0.0018 (13)
N80.0195 (16)0.0139 (15)0.0237 (18)0.0016 (12)0.0044 (13)0.0026 (13)
F180.041 (2)0.071 (3)0.064 (3)0.0237 (19)0.0188 (18)0.012 (2)
C390.0202 (19)0.025 (2)0.019 (2)0.0033 (16)0.0034 (15)0.0007 (16)
C260.0147 (17)0.0155 (17)0.023 (2)0.0020 (13)0.0037 (15)0.0021 (14)
C230.030 (2)0.020 (2)0.031 (2)0.0057 (17)0.0095 (19)0.0116 (17)
C350.0135 (16)0.0165 (17)0.0200 (19)0.0014 (13)0.0018 (14)0.0037 (14)
C330.0183 (18)0.022 (2)0.028 (2)0.0023 (15)0.0066 (16)0.0101 (17)
C370.0213 (19)0.0141 (17)0.023 (2)0.0011 (14)0.0027 (16)0.0014 (15)
C220.026 (2)0.024 (2)0.022 (2)0.0052 (17)0.0053 (17)0.0082 (16)
C310.0211 (19)0.0186 (18)0.022 (2)0.0045 (15)0.0045 (16)0.0049 (15)
C340.0204 (19)0.0154 (18)0.028 (2)0.0007 (15)0.0048 (16)0.0053 (16)
C270.020 (2)0.027 (2)0.027 (2)0.0026 (16)0.0034 (17)0.0016 (18)
C320.0207 (19)0.023 (2)0.025 (2)0.0065 (16)0.0071 (16)0.0086 (16)
C360.0125 (16)0.0164 (17)0.0197 (19)0.0006 (13)0.0008 (14)0.0032 (14)
C290.020 (2)0.039 (3)0.022 (2)0.0058 (18)0.0002 (17)0.0043 (19)
C210.0223 (19)0.0221 (19)0.020 (2)0.0009 (16)0.0050 (16)0.0050 (16)
C250.0167 (17)0.0158 (17)0.022 (2)0.0039 (14)0.0047 (15)0.0036 (15)
C240.024 (2)0.0172 (18)0.026 (2)0.0018 (15)0.0049 (17)0.0045 (16)
C380.0195 (19)0.021 (2)0.027 (2)0.0038 (15)0.0021 (16)0.0019 (16)
C300.0205 (19)0.025 (2)0.019 (2)0.0028 (16)0.0031 (15)0.0041 (16)
C400.026 (2)0.0195 (19)0.019 (2)0.0031 (16)0.0027 (16)0.0043 (15)
C280.022 (2)0.036 (3)0.026 (2)0.0040 (18)0.0003 (18)0.0021 (19)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
Ta2—F91.902 (3)Ta3—F131.910 (3)
Ta2—F81.893 (2)Ta3—F161.889 (3)
Ta2—F121.894 (3)Ta3—F151.887 (3)
Ta2—F111.896 (2)Ta3—F141.870 (3)
Ta2—F71.897 (3)Ta3—F171.912 (3)
Ta2—F101.898 (3)Ta3—F181.886 (3)
Ta1—F51.899 (3)Ta4—F211.883 (3)
Ta1—F31.894 (3)Ta4—F231.901 (3)
Ta1—F41.888 (3)Ta4—F241.896 (3)
Ta1—F21.892 (3)Ta4—F191.903 (3)
Ta1—F61.893 (3)Ta4—F221.895 (3)
Ta1—F11.913 (3)Ta4—F201.889 (3)
Cu1—F72.987 (3)Cu2—F132.706 (3)
Cu1—F12.537 (3)Cu2—F192.775 (3)
Cu1—N31.982 (3)Cu2—N71.968 (3)
Cu1—N11.972 (3)Cu2—N51.960 (3)
Cu1—N41.964 (3)Cu2—N62.005 (4)
Cu1—N21.977 (3)Cu2—N82.006 (4)
N3—C111.347 (5)N7—C351.356 (5)
N3—C151.348 (5)N7—C311.342 (5)
N1—C51.354 (5)N5—C211.335 (6)
N1—C11.344 (5)N5—C251.351 (5)
N4—C201.332 (5)N6—C261.356 (5)
N4—C161.353 (5)N6—C301.346 (6)
N2—C61.362 (5)N8—C361.356 (5)
N2—C101.337 (5)N8—C401.335 (6)
C2—C31.382 (6)C39—C381.383 (6)
C2—C11.390 (6)C39—C401.386 (6)
C20—H200.9500C26—C271.379 (6)
C20—C191.392 (6)C26—C251.481 (6)
C17—C161.385 (6)C23—C221.389 (7)
C17—C181.390 (6)C23—C241.388 (7)
C5—C61.475 (6)C35—C341.382 (6)
C5—C41.387 (5)C35—C361.474 (6)
C7—C61.388 (5)C33—C341.380 (6)
C7—C81.389 (6)C33—C321.385 (6)
C11—C121.388 (6)C37—C361.390 (6)
C12—H120.9500C37—C381.389 (6)
C12—C131.383 (6)C22—H220.9500
C15—C161.468 (6)C22—C211.385 (6)
C15—C141.395 (6)C31—H310.9500
C8—H80.9500C31—C321.385 (6)
C8—C91.390 (6)C34—H340.9500
C19—C181.375 (6)C27—C281.384 (7)
C9—C101.382 (6)C29—H290.9500
C3—H30.9500C29—C301.380 (6)
C3—C41.394 (6)C29—C281.383 (7)
C14—H140.9500C25—C241.381 (6)
C14—C131.389 (6)C24—H240.9500
F8—Ta2—F992.66 (12)F13—Ta3—F1789.01 (13)
F8—Ta2—F1289.58 (12)F16—Ta3—F13177.92 (14)
F8—Ta2—F11177.33 (12)F16—Ta3—F1790.17 (14)
F8—Ta2—F787.35 (12)F15—Ta3—F1391.30 (13)
F8—Ta2—F1088.94 (12)F15—Ta3—F1690.58 (14)
F12—Ta2—F9176.38 (11)F15—Ta3—F1787.30 (16)
F12—Ta2—F1188.98 (12)F14—Ta3—F1390.20 (13)
F12—Ta2—F792.89 (12)F14—Ta3—F1690.66 (14)
F12—Ta2—F1088.43 (11)F14—Ta3—F1591.22 (17)
F11—Ta2—F988.88 (11)F14—Ta3—F17178.31 (17)
F11—Ta2—F790.47 (12)F14—Ta3—F1891.3 (2)
F11—Ta2—F1093.28 (12)F18—Ta3—F1387.43 (16)
F7—Ta2—F990.05 (12)F18—Ta3—F1690.66 (16)
F7—Ta2—F10176.05 (12)F18—Ta3—F15177.17 (18)
F10—Ta2—F988.78 (12)F18—Ta3—F1790.2 (2)
F5—Ta1—F187.61 (12)F21—Ta4—F2390.32 (13)
F3—Ta1—F589.44 (12)F21—Ta4—F24177.79 (14)
F3—Ta1—F189.06 (11)F21—Ta4—F1990.96 (14)
F4—Ta1—F592.10 (13)F21—Ta4—F2289.84 (14)
F4—Ta1—F390.64 (12)F21—Ta4—F2092.80 (16)
F4—Ta1—F291.12 (14)F23—Ta4—F1989.22 (14)
F4—Ta1—F690.26 (12)F24—Ta4—F2387.48 (14)
F4—Ta1—F1179.59 (13)F24—Ta4—F1988.86 (16)
F2—Ta1—F5176.73 (13)F22—Ta4—F2389.03 (15)
F2—Ta1—F391.08 (13)F22—Ta4—F2490.27 (16)
F2—Ta1—F689.72 (13)F22—Ta4—F19178.08 (14)
F2—Ta1—F189.17 (13)F20—Ta4—F23176.84 (15)
F6—Ta1—F589.71 (12)F20—Ta4—F2489.40 (16)
F6—Ta1—F3178.79 (12)F20—Ta4—F1991.22 (16)
F6—Ta1—F190.04 (12)F20—Ta4—F2290.48 (17)
F1—Cu1—F7161.46 (9)F13—Cu2—F19168.21 (10)
N3—Cu1—F783.17 (11)N7—Cu2—F1383.91 (12)
N3—Cu1—F181.03 (12)N7—Cu2—F19103.51 (12)
N1—Cu1—F7118.40 (11)N7—Cu2—N6103.87 (14)
N1—Cu1—F178.18 (12)N7—Cu2—N882.29 (14)
N1—Cu1—N3158.21 (14)N5—Cu2—F1377.43 (12)
N1—Cu1—N283.13 (14)N5—Cu2—F1995.18 (13)
N4—Cu1—F770.99 (11)N5—Cu2—N7161.27 (15)
N4—Cu1—F1116.26 (12)N5—Cu2—N682.25 (15)
N4—Cu1—N382.84 (14)N5—Cu2—N8101.20 (15)
N4—Cu1—N1100.59 (14)N6—Cu2—F13113.10 (12)
N4—Cu1—N2150.27 (14)N6—Cu2—F1974.40 (12)
N2—Cu1—F781.24 (11)N6—Cu2—N8150.51 (14)
N2—Cu1—F193.43 (12)N8—Cu2—F1396.12 (12)
N2—Cu1—N3104.65 (14)N8—Cu2—F1976.12 (12)
Ta2—F7—Cu1114.17 (12)Ta3—F13—Cu2122.63 (14)
Ta1—F1—Cu1125.65 (14)Ta4—F19—Cu2135.07 (17)
C11—N3—Cu1126.4 (3)C35—N7—Cu2114.6 (3)
C11—N3—C15119.5 (3)C31—N7—Cu2125.9 (3)
C15—N3—Cu1112.8 (3)C31—N7—C35119.4 (4)
C5—N1—Cu1113.7 (3)C21—N5—Cu2125.5 (3)
C1—N1—Cu1126.0 (3)C21—N5—C25119.5 (4)
C1—N1—C5119.8 (3)C25—N5—Cu2115.0 (3)
C20—N4—Cu1125.2 (3)C26—N6—Cu2113.1 (3)
C20—N4—C16119.9 (3)C30—N6—Cu2127.7 (3)
C16—N4—Cu1113.6 (3)C30—N6—C26118.8 (4)
C6—N2—Cu1112.9 (3)C36—N8—Cu2112.8 (3)
C10—N2—Cu1126.5 (3)C40—N8—Cu2127.0 (3)
C10—N2—C6119.5 (3)C40—N8—C36118.9 (4)
C3—C2—C1118.9 (4)C38—C39—C40118.9 (4)
N4—C20—H20118.9N6—C26—C27121.6 (4)
N4—C20—C19122.2 (4)N6—C26—C25114.7 (3)
C19—C20—H20118.9C27—C26—C25123.7 (4)
C16—C17—C18119.3 (4)C24—C23—H23120.3
C18—C17—H17120.4C24—C23—C22119.4 (4)
N1—C5—C6114.6 (3)N7—C35—C34120.8 (4)
N1—C5—C4121.3 (4)N7—C35—C36114.5 (3)
C4—C5—C6124.1 (4)C34—C35—C36124.7 (4)
C6—C7—C8118.5 (4)C34—C33—C32119.2 (4)
N2—C6—C5114.9 (3)C36—C37—H37120.5
N2—C6—C7121.4 (4)C38—C37—H37120.5
C7—C6—C5123.7 (4)C38—C37—C36118.9 (4)
N3—C11—C12122.3 (4)C21—C22—C23118.6 (4)
C13—C12—C11118.4 (4)N7—C31—C32121.9 (4)
N3—C15—C16114.7 (3)C35—C34—H34120.1
N3—C15—C14121.0 (4)C33—C34—C35119.8 (4)
C14—C15—C16124.3 (4)C33—C34—H34120.1
C7—C8—C9119.9 (4)C26—C27—C28119.5 (4)
C18—C19—C20118.4 (4)C31—C32—C33118.7 (4)
C8—C9—H9120.8N8—C36—C35115.0 (3)
C10—C9—C8118.5 (4)N8—C36—C37121.6 (4)
C10—C9—H9120.8C37—C36—C35123.3 (4)
C2—C3—C4119.5 (4)C30—C29—C28119.5 (4)
N4—C16—C17120.7 (4)N5—C21—C22122.0 (4)
N4—C16—C15114.5 (3)N5—C21—H21119.0
C17—C16—C15124.7 (4)C22—C21—H21119.0
N1—C1—C2121.6 (4)N5—C25—C26114.5 (3)
N1—C1—H1119.2N5—C25—C24121.7 (4)
C2—C1—H1119.2C24—C25—C26123.8 (4)
C13—C14—C15119.1 (4)C25—C24—C23118.7 (4)
C5—C4—C3118.9 (4)C39—C38—C37119.2 (4)
C17—C18—H18120.2N6—C30—C29121.8 (4)
C19—C18—C17119.6 (4)N6—C30—H30119.1
N2—C10—C9122.3 (4)N8—C40—C39122.5 (4)
C12—C13—C14119.7 (4)C27—C28—H28120.6
C12—C13—H13120.2C29—C28—C27118.8 (4)
Tris(2,2'-bipyridine-κ2N,N')copper(II) bis[hexafluoridotantalate(V)] (III) top
Crystal data top
[Cu(C10H8N2)3][TaF6]2Dx = 2.220 Mg m3
Mr = 1121.99Mo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
Trigonal, P32Cell parameters from 9702 reflections
a = 10.5172 (10) Åθ = 2.2–32.5°
c = 26.288 (2) ŵ = 7.23 mm1
V = 2518.2 (5) Å3T = 100 K
Z = 3Block, blue
F(000) = 15870.22 × 0.16 × 0.12 mm
Data collection top
Bruker Kappa APEX CCD area detector
12260 independent reflections
Radiation source: sealed tube12121 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Triumph monochromatorRint = 0.050
Detector resolution: 8 pixels mm-1θmax = 32.7°, θmin = 1.6°
ω and φ scansh = 1515
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Bruker, 2016)
k = 1515
Tmin = 0.559, Tmax = 0.746l = 3839
148130 measured reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2H-atom parameters constrained
Least-squares matrix: full w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0106P)2 + 0.1438P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.016(Δ/σ)max = 0.002
wR(F2) = 0.031Δρmax = 0.96 e Å3
S = 1.03Δρmin = 0.85 e Å3
12260 reflectionsExtinction correction: SHELXL-2018/3 (Sheldrick 2015b), Fc*=kFc[1+0.001xFc2λ3/sin(2θ)]-1/4
462 parametersExtinction coefficient: 0.00031 (3)
1 restraintAbsolute structure: Flack x determined using 5861 quotients [(I+)-(I-)]/[(I+)+(I-)] (Parsons et al., 2013)
Hydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sitesAbsolute structure parameter: 0.5036 (7)
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Refinement. Refined as a 2-component twin.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ta20.00684 (3)0.03219 (2)0.32198 (2)0.01774 (4)
Ta10.70686 (2)1.36139 (2)0.47151 (2)0.01986 (4)
Cu10.32411 (6)0.64362 (5)0.57036 (2)0.01228 (8)
F20.5183 (3)1.2403 (5)0.44310 (13)0.0633 (12)
F40.7724 (4)1.2402 (3)0.44119 (10)0.0408 (7)
C170.0981 (5)0.5633 (6)0.6138 (2)0.0188 (9)
F80.1759 (3)0.0847 (3)0.35333 (9)0.0300 (6)
N40.1166 (4)0.5474 (4)0.59777 (12)0.0126 (6)
F50.9006 (3)1.4788 (3)0.49516 (10)0.0347 (6)
F120.0952 (3)0.0141 (3)0.38681 (9)0.0402 (7)
F60.6515 (4)1.2435 (3)0.53047 (10)0.0494 (9)
C160.0368 (5)0.6141 (5)0.59049 (14)0.0130 (8)
C180.1519 (4)0.4417 (5)0.64542 (14)0.0220 (7)
F90.0912 (3)0.0756 (3)0.25849 (8)0.0268 (5)
N30.2459 (3)0.8080 (3)0.54816 (11)0.0142 (5)
F30.7575 (3)1.4716 (3)0.41088 (10)0.0428 (7)
F100.0341 (3)0.2286 (3)0.32783 (10)0.0295 (6)
F110.1857 (3)0.0098 (3)0.29071 (10)0.0305 (6)
F70.0551 (3)0.1672 (3)0.31516 (9)0.0283 (5)
F10.6482 (4)1.4867 (4)0.50135 (13)0.0455 (8)
C150.1004 (4)0.7442 (4)0.55624 (12)0.0138 (6)
C190.0715 (5)0.3711 (4)0.65269 (15)0.0194 (7)
N20.5147 (4)0.7648 (4)0.53243 (12)0.0135 (7)
N50.4063 (3)0.7268 (3)0.64157 (10)0.0152 (5)
C90.7449 (6)0.9811 (6)0.51576 (17)0.0206 (10)
C60.5147 (4)0.7167 (4)0.48464 (13)0.0138 (6)
C230.5294 (5)0.8446 (5)0.73468 (18)0.0230 (10)
C240.5230 (4)0.7175 (5)0.71745 (14)0.0216 (8)
C100.6291 (5)0.8936 (5)0.54776 (16)0.0171 (9)
C220.4708 (5)0.9115 (4)0.70528 (14)0.0216 (7)
C110.3105 (5)0.9276 (4)0.51831 (14)0.0180 (7)
C210.4108 (4)0.8499 (4)0.65868 (14)0.0191 (8)
C200.0634 (4)0.4284 (4)0.62794 (13)0.0157 (7)
N10.2704 (3)0.5298 (3)0.50323 (10)0.0130 (5)
C50.3856 (4)0.5755 (4)0.47127 (12)0.0135 (6)
C70.6286 (4)0.7992 (4)0.45095 (14)0.0205 (8)
N60.3922 (4)0.4832 (4)0.60312 (12)0.0180 (6)
C260.4437 (4)0.5196 (4)0.65109 (13)0.0164 (6)
C80.7437 (5)0.9345 (5)0.46684 (15)0.0240 (8)
C130.0833 (4)0.9178 (4)0.50245 (13)0.0196 (7)
C250.4586 (4)0.6591 (4)0.67064 (13)0.0150 (6)
C140.0144 (4)0.7946 (4)0.53329 (13)0.0179 (7)
C120.2327 (4)0.9860 (4)0.49499 (14)0.0185 (7)
C270.4749 (5)0.4294 (5)0.68023 (15)0.0241 (9)
C20.1346 (5)0.3167 (4)0.45214 (16)0.0225 (8)
C10.1471 (4)0.4030 (4)0.49352 (14)0.0174 (7)
C300.3758 (4)0.3587 (4)0.58279 (15)0.0201 (7)
C30.2530 (5)0.3601 (4)0.41977 (15)0.0250 (8)
C40.3810 (5)0.4932 (4)0.42942 (14)0.0218 (8)
C280.4537 (5)0.2983 (5)0.65946 (16)0.0272 (9)
C290.4043 (5)0.2626 (5)0.60978 (16)0.0234 (8)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ta20.01698 (8)0.01449 (10)0.01536 (7)0.00308 (8)0.00052 (7)0.00018 (7)
Ta10.01754 (9)0.01929 (10)0.01742 (7)0.00521 (9)0.00037 (7)0.00145 (8)
Cu10.01235 (18)0.0136 (2)0.0094 (2)0.00535 (17)0.00046 (17)0.00043 (14)
F20.0201 (13)0.077 (3)0.0550 (18)0.0039 (17)0.0002 (12)0.019 (2)
F40.056 (2)0.0339 (17)0.0316 (14)0.0220 (16)0.0046 (14)0.0086 (12)
C170.018 (2)0.019 (2)0.0220 (19)0.0108 (17)0.0047 (18)0.0006 (18)
F80.0297 (12)0.0280 (14)0.0236 (11)0.0079 (11)0.0091 (9)0.0002 (10)
N40.0142 (14)0.0117 (15)0.0106 (13)0.0056 (12)0.0025 (10)0.0018 (11)
F50.0275 (12)0.0382 (16)0.0390 (14)0.0169 (13)0.0148 (11)0.0190 (13)
F120.0493 (17)0.0341 (15)0.0229 (12)0.0100 (14)0.0170 (12)0.0010 (11)
F60.074 (3)0.0418 (16)0.0303 (13)0.0279 (18)0.0220 (15)0.0169 (12)
C160.0189 (19)0.0114 (16)0.0080 (16)0.0071 (15)0.0001 (13)0.0001 (13)
C180.0182 (16)0.0188 (18)0.0262 (18)0.0071 (16)0.0076 (14)0.0031 (16)
F90.0312 (12)0.0345 (13)0.0178 (10)0.0188 (11)0.0044 (9)0.0056 (10)
N30.0130 (13)0.0128 (14)0.0144 (13)0.0045 (11)0.0013 (11)0.0010 (11)
F30.0340 (17)0.0616 (19)0.0311 (13)0.0226 (15)0.0034 (13)0.0225 (13)
F100.0232 (13)0.0193 (11)0.0406 (14)0.0065 (10)0.0020 (11)0.0039 (11)
F110.0199 (12)0.0248 (13)0.0441 (15)0.0091 (10)0.0035 (11)0.0046 (12)
F70.0343 (15)0.0190 (11)0.0296 (12)0.0117 (11)0.0006 (11)0.0009 (9)
F10.0452 (19)0.052 (2)0.0562 (18)0.0374 (18)0.0084 (15)0.0021 (16)
C150.0157 (15)0.0154 (15)0.0112 (15)0.0085 (13)0.0001 (12)0.0002 (12)
C190.0216 (18)0.0149 (16)0.0203 (18)0.0081 (15)0.0078 (15)0.0069 (14)
N20.0127 (14)0.0116 (14)0.0140 (14)0.0045 (12)0.0019 (10)0.0008 (12)
N50.0169 (12)0.0146 (13)0.0135 (12)0.0073 (11)0.0019 (10)0.0012 (10)
C90.017 (2)0.018 (2)0.022 (2)0.0049 (17)0.0038 (17)0.0039 (18)
C60.0152 (14)0.0142 (16)0.0128 (14)0.0079 (13)0.0014 (11)0.0009 (13)
C230.026 (2)0.025 (2)0.0129 (19)0.0091 (16)0.0027 (17)0.0043 (18)
C240.0247 (18)0.025 (2)0.0124 (16)0.0105 (16)0.0056 (14)0.0019 (14)
C100.0132 (17)0.020 (2)0.0144 (18)0.0050 (15)0.0033 (14)0.0005 (15)
C220.0217 (19)0.0186 (15)0.0183 (16)0.0054 (16)0.0012 (16)0.0064 (13)
C110.0213 (18)0.0138 (16)0.0163 (18)0.0070 (14)0.0013 (14)0.0006 (13)
C210.025 (2)0.0173 (15)0.0147 (15)0.0105 (15)0.0009 (14)0.0006 (12)
C200.0182 (17)0.0139 (15)0.0159 (16)0.0087 (14)0.0017 (13)0.0016 (13)
N10.0131 (13)0.0134 (12)0.0130 (12)0.0069 (11)0.0012 (11)0.0007 (9)
C50.0149 (16)0.0146 (16)0.0107 (13)0.0071 (12)0.0003 (12)0.0007 (12)
C70.0176 (16)0.0226 (19)0.0143 (16)0.0047 (15)0.0020 (13)0.0016 (14)
N60.0201 (16)0.0217 (15)0.0157 (14)0.0129 (13)0.0011 (12)0.0002 (12)
C260.0128 (16)0.0210 (19)0.0147 (15)0.0078 (14)0.0021 (14)0.0025 (14)
C80.0173 (18)0.023 (2)0.0217 (19)0.0022 (16)0.0042 (14)0.0046 (16)
C130.027 (2)0.0222 (18)0.0170 (15)0.0175 (16)0.0036 (14)0.0070 (14)
C250.0143 (15)0.0166 (16)0.0115 (14)0.0056 (13)0.0006 (12)0.0000 (12)
C140.0193 (17)0.0213 (18)0.0181 (17)0.0137 (15)0.0038 (14)0.0025 (14)
C120.0248 (19)0.0169 (17)0.0134 (17)0.0102 (15)0.0014 (15)0.0042 (14)
C270.032 (2)0.033 (2)0.0150 (17)0.022 (2)0.0067 (16)0.0010 (16)
C20.0179 (18)0.0167 (16)0.0276 (19)0.0048 (16)0.0019 (16)0.0068 (14)
C10.0173 (17)0.0141 (15)0.0170 (16)0.0050 (13)0.0002 (14)0.0006 (13)
C300.0221 (18)0.0204 (18)0.0195 (17)0.0118 (15)0.0023 (15)0.0033 (15)
C30.030 (2)0.0204 (18)0.0198 (18)0.0088 (17)0.0024 (17)0.0088 (15)
C40.0222 (19)0.0203 (18)0.0161 (16)0.0055 (15)0.0037 (15)0.0032 (14)
C280.036 (2)0.033 (2)0.0241 (19)0.025 (2)0.0039 (18)0.0042 (18)
C290.027 (2)0.0218 (19)0.028 (2)0.0166 (17)0.0006 (16)0.0019 (16)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
Ta2—F81.901 (2)C23—C241.381 (7)
Ta2—F121.885 (2)C23—C221.381 (6)
Ta2—F91.894 (2)C24—H240.9500
Ta2—F101.893 (3)C24—C251.391 (5)
Ta2—F111.892 (3)C10—H100.9500
Ta2—F71.903 (2)C22—H220.9500
Ta1—F21.894 (3)C22—C211.382 (5)
Ta1—F41.901 (3)C11—H110.9500
Ta1—F51.883 (2)C11—C121.388 (5)
Ta1—F61.886 (3)C21—H210.9500
Ta1—F31.884 (2)C20—H200.9500
Ta1—F11.883 (3)N1—C51.350 (4)
Cu1—N42.024 (3)N1—C11.341 (5)
Cu1—N32.330 (3)C5—C41.385 (5)
Cu1—N22.020 (3)C7—H70.9500
Cu1—N52.064 (3)C7—C81.394 (5)
Cu1—N12.047 (3)N6—C261.350 (5)
Cu1—N62.305 (3)N6—C301.343 (5)
C17—H170.9500C26—C251.487 (5)
C17—C161.384 (6)C26—C271.380 (5)
C17—C181.386 (6)C8—H80.9500
N4—C161.350 (6)C13—H130.9500
N4—C201.344 (5)C13—C141.386 (5)
C16—C151.488 (5)C13—C121.377 (5)
C18—C191.389 (6)C12—H120.9500
N3—C151.346 (5)C27—H270.9500
N3—C111.343 (5)C27—C281.393 (6)
C15—C141.393 (5)C2—H20.9500
C19—H190.9500C2—C11.380 (5)
C19—C201.394 (5)C2—C31.384 (6)
N2—C61.354 (5)C1—H10.9500
N2—C101.348 (6)C30—H300.9500
N5—C211.349 (4)C30—C291.385 (5)
N5—C251.336 (4)C3—H30.9500
C9—H90.9500C3—C41.397 (6)
C9—C101.384 (7)C4—H40.9500
C9—C81.374 (6)C28—H280.9500
C6—C51.469 (5)C28—C291.386 (6)
C6—C71.390 (5)C29—H290.9500
F8—Ta2—F792.03 (12)C7—C6—C5123.4 (3)
F12—Ta2—F888.82 (12)C24—C23—H23120.3
F12—Ta2—F9176.22 (13)C22—C23—H23120.3
F12—Ta2—F1091.26 (13)C22—C23—C24119.5 (4)
F12—Ta2—F1191.61 (13)C23—C24—H24120.2
F12—Ta2—F788.58 (12)C23—C24—C25119.7 (4)
F9—Ta2—F887.85 (10)C25—C24—H24120.2
F9—Ta2—F789.75 (11)N2—C10—C9122.2 (4)
F10—Ta2—F890.12 (12)N2—C10—H10118.9
F10—Ta2—F990.53 (11)C9—C10—H10118.9
F10—Ta2—F7177.84 (12)C23—C22—H22120.9
F11—Ta2—F8177.08 (12)C23—C22—C21118.2 (4)
F11—Ta2—F991.81 (11)C21—C22—H22120.9
F11—Ta2—F1086.98 (12)N3—C11—H11118.7
F11—Ta2—F790.87 (12)N3—C11—C12122.6 (4)
F2—Ta1—F489.58 (16)C12—C11—H11118.7
F5—Ta1—F2175.49 (14)N5—C21—C22122.2 (4)
F5—Ta1—F486.68 (13)N5—C21—H21118.9
F5—Ta1—F692.12 (14)C22—C21—H21118.9
F5—Ta1—F389.74 (13)N4—C20—C19122.5 (4)
F6—Ta1—F290.39 (16)N4—C20—H20118.7
F6—Ta1—F490.02 (13)C19—C20—H20118.7
F3—Ta1—F287.64 (16)C5—N1—Cu1113.1 (2)
F3—Ta1—F488.41 (14)C1—N1—Cu1126.3 (2)
F3—Ta1—F6177.48 (15)C1—N1—C5119.0 (3)
F1—Ta1—F292.03 (18)N1—C5—C6115.0 (3)
F1—Ta1—F4178.14 (16)N1—C5—C4121.8 (3)
F1—Ta1—F591.67 (14)C4—C5—C6123.2 (3)
F1—Ta1—F690.91 (14)C6—C7—H7120.5
F1—Ta1—F390.72 (14)C6—C7—C8118.9 (3)
N4—Cu1—N376.58 (13)C8—C7—H7120.5
N4—Cu1—N590.44 (12)C26—N6—Cu1111.6 (2)
N4—Cu1—N195.81 (13)C30—N6—Cu1129.0 (3)
N4—Cu1—N698.80 (14)C30—N6—C26119.1 (3)
N2—Cu1—N4166.58 (14)N6—C26—C25115.6 (3)
N2—Cu1—N390.89 (13)N6—C26—C27121.5 (4)
N2—Cu1—N596.14 (12)C27—C26—C25122.8 (3)
N2—Cu1—N180.79 (13)C9—C8—C7119.5 (4)
N2—Cu1—N694.16 (13)C9—C8—H8120.2
N5—Cu1—N398.11 (11)C7—C8—H8120.2
N5—Cu1—N675.75 (12)C14—C13—H13120.1
N1—Cu1—N396.98 (11)C12—C13—H13120.1
N1—Cu1—N5164.65 (12)C12—C13—C14119.8 (3)
N1—Cu1—N689.41 (11)N5—C25—C24120.7 (4)
N6—Cu1—N3172.42 (10)N5—C25—C26117.4 (3)
C16—C17—H17120.4C24—C25—C26121.9 (3)
C16—C17—C18119.3 (5)C15—C14—H14120.9
C18—C17—H17120.4C13—C14—C15118.3 (4)
C16—N4—Cu1119.0 (3)C13—C14—H14120.9
C20—N4—Cu1121.2 (3)C11—C12—H12120.7
C20—N4—C16119.3 (3)C13—C12—C11118.6 (3)
C17—C16—C15121.7 (4)C13—C12—H12120.7
N4—C16—C17121.3 (4)C26—C27—H27120.4
N4—C16—C15117.0 (4)C26—C27—C28119.1 (4)
C17—C18—C19119.9 (4)C1—C2—H2120.2
C19—C18—H18120.0C1—C2—C3119.6 (4)
C15—N3—Cu1109.0 (2)C3—C2—H2120.2
C11—N3—Cu1129.8 (3)N1—C1—C2122.0 (4)
C11—N3—C15118.4 (3)N1—C1—H1119.0
N3—C15—C16115.5 (3)C2—C1—H1119.0
N3—C15—C14122.3 (3)N6—C30—H30118.7
C14—C15—C16122.2 (4)N6—C30—C29122.6 (4)
C18—C19—C20117.7 (3)C2—C3—H3120.8
C20—C19—H19121.2C2—C3—C4118.4 (4)
C6—N2—Cu1114.0 (3)C4—C3—H3120.8
C10—N2—Cu1126.3 (3)C5—C4—C3119.1 (4)
C10—N2—C6119.1 (3)C5—C4—H4120.5
C21—N5—Cu1121.0 (2)C3—C4—H4120.5
C25—N5—Cu1119.3 (2)C27—C28—H28120.3
C25—N5—C21119.7 (3)C29—C28—C27119.4 (4)
C8—C9—H9120.5C30—C29—C28118.3 (4)
C8—C9—C10118.9 (5)C30—C29—H29120.9
N2—C6—C5115.3 (3)C28—C29—H29120.9
N2—C6—C7121.3 (3)
catena-Poly[[diaqua(2,2'-bipyridine-κ2N,N')copper(II)]-µ-fluorido-tetrafluoridotin-µ-fluorido] (IV) top
Crystal data top
[CuSnF6(C10H8N2)(H2O)2]F(000) = 470
Mr = 488.45Dx = 2.312 Mg m3
Monoclinic, P2/nMo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
a = 6.2590 (2) ÅCell parameters from 9773 reflections
b = 9.2167 (3) Åθ = 2.2–37.7°
c = 12.1648 (3) ŵ = 3.37 mm1
β = 90.734 (2)°T = 100 K
V = 701.70 (4) Å3Block, blue
Z = 20.20 × 0.13 × 0.12 mm
Data collection top
Rigaku Oxford Diffraction XtaLAB Synergy, Single source at offset/far, HyPix
3686 independent reflections
Radiation source: micro-focus sealed X-ray tube, PhotonJet (Mo) X-ray Source3251 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Mirror monochromatorRint = 0.055
Detector resolution: 10.0000 pixels mm-1θmax = 38.2°, θmin = 2.2°
ω scansh = 1010
Absorption correction: gaussian
CrysalisPro (Rigaku OD, 2020)
k = 1515
Tmin = 0.732, Tmax = 1.000l = 2021
22131 measured reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Primary atom site location: dual
Least-squares matrix: fullHydrogen site location: mixed
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.029H atoms treated by a mixture of independent and constrained refinement
wR(F2) = 0.067 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0285P)2 + 0.1262P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
S = 1.07(Δ/σ)max < 0.001
3686 reflectionsΔρmax = 2.05 e Å3
110 parametersΔρmin = 0.85 e Å3
0 restraints
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Sn10.5000001.0000000.5000000.00931 (4)
Cu10.2500000.78803 (3)0.7500000.00868 (5)
F10.42425 (17)0.82052 (11)0.57872 (8)0.01353 (18)
F20.78470 (17)0.92222 (12)0.46961 (9)0.0184 (2)
F30.39654 (19)0.91649 (12)0.36083 (8)0.0183 (2)
O10.4565 (2)0.93265 (14)0.80535 (10)0.0147 (2)
N10.0722 (2)0.62522 (16)0.69309 (12)0.0136 (3)
C50.1508 (4)0.49153 (18)0.71618 (16)0.0184 (3)
C10.1085 (3)0.6393 (3)0.63416 (16)0.0223 (4)
C40.0467 (5)0.3679 (2)0.6778 (2)0.0339 (6)
C20.2186 (4)0.5178 (3)0.5954 (2)0.0357 (6)
C30.1386 (5)0.3807 (3)0.6169 (2)0.0438 (8)
H1A0.424 (6)0.983 (3)0.864 (3)0.037 (9)*
H1B0.518 (6)0.985 (3)0.763 (3)0.040 (10)*
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Sn10.01216 (7)0.00790 (7)0.00789 (6)0.00206 (4)0.00114 (5)0.00053 (4)
Cu10.00956 (11)0.00682 (11)0.00964 (11)0.0000.00066 (9)0.000
F10.0188 (5)0.0100 (4)0.0119 (4)0.0018 (3)0.0028 (4)0.0013 (3)
F20.0162 (5)0.0176 (5)0.0215 (5)0.0034 (4)0.0055 (4)0.0071 (4)
F30.0284 (6)0.0160 (5)0.0103 (4)0.0102 (4)0.0013 (4)0.0008 (4)
O10.0188 (6)0.0145 (6)0.0110 (5)0.0075 (4)0.0021 (4)0.0025 (4)
N10.0151 (6)0.0130 (6)0.0128 (6)0.0055 (5)0.0019 (5)0.0024 (5)
C50.0299 (10)0.0091 (7)0.0166 (8)0.0056 (6)0.0097 (7)0.0022 (5)
C10.0154 (8)0.0346 (11)0.0169 (8)0.0093 (7)0.0004 (6)0.0036 (7)
C40.0571 (16)0.0153 (9)0.0297 (11)0.0190 (9)0.0126 (11)0.0078 (8)
C20.0306 (12)0.0541 (16)0.0223 (10)0.0294 (11)0.0024 (9)0.0094 (10)
C30.0595 (18)0.0433 (15)0.0288 (11)0.0414 (14)0.0116 (12)0.0150 (11)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
Sn1—F11.9723 (10)O1—H1B0.81 (3)
Sn1—F1i1.9723 (10)N1—C51.355 (2)
Sn1—F21.9603 (11)N1—C11.337 (2)
Sn1—F2i1.9603 (11)C5—C5ii1.481 (5)
Sn1—F3i1.9621 (10)C5—C41.390 (3)
Sn1—F31.9621 (10)C1—H10.9500
Cu1—F12.3830 (10)C1—C21.394 (3)
Cu1—F1ii2.3830 (10)C4—H40.9500
Cu1—O1ii1.9695 (12)C4—C31.374 (4)
Cu1—O11.9695 (12)C2—H20.9500
Cu1—N1ii1.9875 (14)C2—C31.382 (4)
Cu1—N11.9875 (14)C3—H30.9500
O1—H1A0.88 (3)
F1—Sn1—F1i180.0N1ii—Cu1—F197.98 (5)
F2—Sn1—F1i89.45 (4)N1—Cu1—F192.92 (5)
F2i—Sn1—F189.45 (4)N1—Cu1—F1ii97.98 (5)
F2i—Sn1—F1i90.55 (4)N1ii—Cu1—N181.95 (9)
F2—Sn1—F190.55 (4)Sn1—F1—Cu1130.20 (5)
F2i—Sn1—F2180.0Cu1—O1—H1A118 (2)
F2—Sn1—F389.12 (5)Cu1—O1—H1B120 (3)
F2i—Sn1—F390.88 (5)H1A—O1—H1B109 (3)
F2i—Sn1—F3i89.12 (5)C5—N1—Cu1114.47 (13)
F2—Sn1—F3i90.88 (5)C1—N1—Cu1125.42 (14)
F3i—Sn1—F1i90.64 (4)C1—N1—C5120.09 (17)
F3i—Sn1—F189.36 (4)N1—C5—C5ii114.51 (11)
F3—Sn1—F1i89.36 (4)N1—C5—C4120.6 (2)
F3—Sn1—F190.64 (4)C4—C5—C5ii124.91 (16)
F1—Cu1—F1ii165.56 (5)N1—C1—C2121.0 (2)
O1ii—Cu1—F1ii84.73 (5)C2—C1—H1119.5
O1—Cu1—F184.73 (5)C5—C4—H4120.0
O1ii—Cu1—F185.51 (5)C3—C4—C5119.9 (2)
O1—Cu1—F1ii85.51 (5)C3—C4—H4120.0
O1—Cu1—O1ii94.81 (8)C1—C2—H2120.2
O1—Cu1—N1172.88 (6)C3—C2—C1119.6 (2)
O1ii—Cu1—N1ii172.88 (6)C3—C2—H2120.2
O1—Cu1—N1ii91.70 (6)C4—C3—C2118.8 (2)
O1ii—Cu1—N191.70 (6)C4—C3—H3120.6
N1ii—Cu1—F1ii92.92 (5)C2—C3—H3120.6
Symmetry codes: (i) x+1, y+2, z+1; (ii) x+1/2, y, z+3/2.
Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, º) top
O1—H1A···F2iii0.88 (3)1.79 (3)2.6444 (17)165 (3)
O1—H1B···F3i0.81 (3)1.84 (4)2.6293 (17)164 (4)
Symmetry codes: (i) x+1, y+2, z+1; (iii) x1/2, y+2, z+1/2.

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