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In the title mol­ecule, C15H11Br2ClO2, an S(6) ring motif is formed via an intra­molecular O—H...O hydrogen bond. The dihedral angle formed between the chloro- and hy­droxy-substituted benzene rings is 34.10 (15)°. In the crystal, weak inter­molecular C—H...O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into chains along the c axis.

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CCDC reference: 850564

Key indicators

  • Single-crystal X-ray study
  • T = 297 K
  • Mean [sigma](C-C) = 0.004 Å
  • R factor = 0.037
  • wR factor = 0.122
  • Data-to-parameter ratio = 29.7

checkCIF/PLATON results

No syntax errors found

Alert level C PLAT910_ALERT_3_C Missing # of FCF Reflections Below Th(Min) ..... 2 PLAT911_ALERT_3_C Missing # FCF Refl Between THmin & STh/L= 0.600 32 PLAT912_ALERT_4_C Missing # of FCF Reflections Above STh/L= 0.600 21 PLAT913_ALERT_3_C Missing # of Very Strong Reflections in FCF .... 2
Alert level G PLAT005_ALERT_5_G No _iucr_refine_instructions_details in CIF .... ? PLAT720_ALERT_4_G Number of Unusual/Non-Standard Labels .......... 1 PLAT793_ALERT_4_G The Model has Chirality at C7 (Verify) .... S PLAT793_ALERT_4_G The Model has Chirality at C8 (Verify) .... R
0 ALERT level A = Most likely a serious problem - resolve or explain 0 ALERT level B = A potentially serious problem, consider carefully 4 ALERT level C = Check. Ensure it is not caused by an omission or oversight 4 ALERT level G = General information/check it is not something unexpected 0 ALERT type 1 CIF construction/syntax error, inconsistent or missing data 0 ALERT type 2 Indicator that the structure model may be wrong or deficient 3 ALERT type 3 Indicator that the structure quality may be low 4 ALERT type 4 Improvement, methodology, query or suggestion 1 ALERT type 5 Informative message, check

Comment top

For a structurally simple group of compounds, chalcones display an impressive array of biological activities, among which antimalarial (Liu et al., 2003), antiprotozoal (Nielson et al., 1998), nitric oxide inhibition (Rajas et al., 2002) and anticancer activities (Dinkova-Kostova et al., 1998) have been reported in the literature. Among several organic compounds reported for non-linear optical (NLO) properties, chalcone derivatives are notable materials for their excellent blue light transmittance and good crystallizability. They provide a necessary configuration to show NLO properties, with two planar rings connected through a conjugated double bond (Goto et al., 1991; Uchida et al., 1998; Tam et al., 1989; Indira et al., 2002; Sarojini et al., 2006). The substitution of a bromo group on either of the phenyl rings can influence the non-centrosymmetric crystal packing. The bromo group can obviously improve the molecular first-order hyperpolarizabilities and can effectively reduce dipole-dipole interactions between the molecules. Chalcone derivatives usually have a lower melting temperature, which can be a drawback when we use these crystals in optical instruments. Chalcone dibromides usually have higher melting points and are thermally stable. Only a few structures of these compounds have been reported (Butcher, Yathirajan, Anilkumar et al., 2006; Butcher, Yathirajan, Sarojini et al.,2006; Harrison et al., 2005; Yathirajan, Mayekar et al., 2007; Yathirajan, Vijesh et al., 2007). In continuation to our studies on crystal structures of chalcones, we report the synthesis and crystal structure of the title compound.

In the title compound (Fig. 1), an S(6) ring motif (Bernstein et al., 1995) is formed via the intramolecular O1—H1O1···O2 hydrogen bond (Table 1). The dihedral angle formed between the chloro-substituted benzene ring (C1–C6) and hydroxy-substituted benzene ring (C10–C15) is 34.10 (15)°.

In the crystal packing (Fig. 2), intermolecular C11—H11A···O2i hydrogen bonds (Table 1) link the molecules into chains along the c axis.

Related literature top

For applications of chalcone compounds, see: Liu et al. (2003); Nielson et al. (1998); Rajas et al. (2002); Dinkova-Kostova et al. (1998); Goto et al. (1991); Uchida et al. (1998); Tam et al. (1989); Indira et al. (2002); Sarojini et al. (2006). For related structures, see: Butcher, Yathirajan, Anilkumar et al. (2006); Butcher, Yathirajan, Sarojini et al. (2006); Harrison et al. (2005); Yathirajan, Mayekar et al. (2007); Yathirajan, Vijesh et al. (2007). For hydrogen-bond motifs, see: Bernstein et al. (1995).

Experimental top

(2E)-1-(2-Hydroxyphenyl)-3-(4-chlorophenyl)prop-2-en-1-one (0.01 mol) was treated with bromine in acetic acid (30%) until the orange colour of the solution persisted. After stirring for half an hour, the contents were poured onto crushed ice. The resulting solid mass was collected by filtration. The compound was dried and recrystallized from ethanol. Crystals suitable for structure determination were obtained from acetone by slow evaporation (m. p. = 395–397 K). Composition: Found (Calculated) for C15H11Br2ClO2, C: 43.19 (43.05); H: 2.68 (2.65).

Refinement top

H1O1 was located in a difference Fourier map and was fixed in its found position with Uiso(H) = 1.5 Ueq(O) [O–H = 0.7971 Å]. The remaining H atoms were positioned geometrically and refined using the riding model with Uiso(H) = 1.2 or 1.5 Ueq(C) [C–H = 0.93 to 0.98 Å]. Seven outliners were omitted for the final refinement, -22 0 2, -21 1 2, -9 1 1, -20 0 2, 1 1 0, 2 0 0 and -5 1 8.

Structure description top

For a structurally simple group of compounds, chalcones display an impressive array of biological activities, among which antimalarial (Liu et al., 2003), antiprotozoal (Nielson et al., 1998), nitric oxide inhibition (Rajas et al., 2002) and anticancer activities (Dinkova-Kostova et al., 1998) have been reported in the literature. Among several organic compounds reported for non-linear optical (NLO) properties, chalcone derivatives are notable materials for their excellent blue light transmittance and good crystallizability. They provide a necessary configuration to show NLO properties, with two planar rings connected through a conjugated double bond (Goto et al., 1991; Uchida et al., 1998; Tam et al., 1989; Indira et al., 2002; Sarojini et al., 2006). The substitution of a bromo group on either of the phenyl rings can influence the non-centrosymmetric crystal packing. The bromo group can obviously improve the molecular first-order hyperpolarizabilities and can effectively reduce dipole-dipole interactions between the molecules. Chalcone derivatives usually have a lower melting temperature, which can be a drawback when we use these crystals in optical instruments. Chalcone dibromides usually have higher melting points and are thermally stable. Only a few structures of these compounds have been reported (Butcher, Yathirajan, Anilkumar et al., 2006; Butcher, Yathirajan, Sarojini et al.,2006; Harrison et al., 2005; Yathirajan, Mayekar et al., 2007; Yathirajan, Vijesh et al., 2007). In continuation to our studies on crystal structures of chalcones, we report the synthesis and crystal structure of the title compound.

In the title compound (Fig. 1), an S(6) ring motif (Bernstein et al., 1995) is formed via the intramolecular O1—H1O1···O2 hydrogen bond (Table 1). The dihedral angle formed between the chloro-substituted benzene ring (C1–C6) and hydroxy-substituted benzene ring (C10–C15) is 34.10 (15)°.

In the crystal packing (Fig. 2), intermolecular C11—H11A···O2i hydrogen bonds (Table 1) link the molecules into chains along the c axis.

For applications of chalcone compounds, see: Liu et al. (2003); Nielson et al. (1998); Rajas et al. (2002); Dinkova-Kostova et al. (1998); Goto et al. (1991); Uchida et al. (1998); Tam et al. (1989); Indira et al. (2002); Sarojini et al. (2006). For related structures, see: Butcher, Yathirajan, Anilkumar et al. (2006); Butcher, Yathirajan, Sarojini et al. (2006); Harrison et al. (2005); Yathirajan, Mayekar et al. (2007); Yathirajan, Vijesh et al. (2007). For hydrogen-bond motifs, see: Bernstein et al. (1995).

Computing details top

Data collection: APEX2 (Bruker, 2009); cell refinement: SAINT (Bruker, 2009); data reduction: SAINT (Bruker, 2009); program(s) used to solve structure: SHELXTL (Sheldrick, 2008); program(s) used to refine structure: SHELXTL (Sheldrick, 2008); molecular graphics: SHELXTL (Sheldrick, 2008); software used to prepare material for publication: SHELXTL (Sheldrick, 2008) and PLATON (Spek, 2009).

Figures top
[Figure 1] Fig. 1. The molecular structure of the title compound, showing 30% probability displacement ellipsoids. The dashed line shows an intramolecular hydrogen bond.
[Figure 2] Fig. 2. The crystal packing of the title compound, viewed along the b axis. Weak C—H···O hydrogen bonds are shown as dashed lines.
2,3-Dibromo-3-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)propan-1-one top
Crystal data top
C15H11Br2ClO2F(000) = 1632
Mr = 418.51Dx = 1.860 Mg m3
Monoclinic, C2/cMo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
Hall symbol: -C 2ycCell parameters from 4431 reflections
a = 29.075 (3) Åθ = 2.9–29.1°
b = 9.2358 (10) ŵ = 5.60 mm1
c = 11.4374 (12) ÅT = 297 K
β = 103.290 (2)°Block, yellow
V = 2989.0 (6) Å30.39 × 0.36 × 0.22 mm
Z = 8
Data collection top
Bruker SMART APEXII DUO CCD area-detector
5375 independent reflections
Radiation source: fine-focus sealed tube3337 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Graphite monochromatorRint = 0.034
φ and ω scansθmax = 32.6°, θmin = 2.9°
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Bruker, 2009)
h = 4339
Tmin = 0.218, Tmax = 0.379k = 1313
16663 measured reflectionsl = 1317
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Least-squares matrix: fullSecondary atom site location: difference Fourier map
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.037Hydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
wR(F2) = 0.122H-atom parameters constrained
S = 1.04 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0657P)2]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
5375 reflections(Δ/σ)max = 0.001
181 parametersΔρmax = 0.61 e Å3
0 restraintsΔρmin = 0.47 e Å3
Crystal data top
C15H11Br2ClO2V = 2989.0 (6) Å3
Mr = 418.51Z = 8
Monoclinic, C2/cMo Kα radiation
a = 29.075 (3) ŵ = 5.60 mm1
b = 9.2358 (10) ÅT = 297 K
c = 11.4374 (12) Å0.39 × 0.36 × 0.22 mm
β = 103.290 (2)°
Data collection top
Bruker SMART APEXII DUO CCD area-detector
5375 independent reflections
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Bruker, 2009)
3337 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Tmin = 0.218, Tmax = 0.379Rint = 0.034
16663 measured reflections
Refinement top
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.0370 restraints
wR(F2) = 0.122H-atom parameters constrained
S = 1.04Δρmax = 0.61 e Å3
5375 reflectionsΔρmin = 0.47 e Å3
181 parameters
Special details top

Geometry. All e.s.d.'s (except the e.s.d. in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell e.s.d.'s are taken into account individually in the estimation of e.s.d.'s in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between e.s.d.'s in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell e.s.d.'s is used for estimating e.s.d.'s involving l.s. planes.

Refinement. Refinement of F2 against ALL reflections. The weighted R-factor wR and goodness of fit S are based on F2, conventional R-factors R are based on F, with F set to zero for negative F2. The threshold expression of F2 > σ(F2) is used only for calculating R-factors(gt) etc. and is not relevant to the choice of reflections for refinement. R-factors based on F2 are statistically about twice as large as those based on F, and R- factors based on ALL data will be even larger.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Cl10.04064 (3)0.29705 (9)0.14615 (9)0.0677 (2)
Br10.191164 (10)0.81997 (3)0.36623 (3)0.05335 (11)
Br20.046011 (11)0.98145 (4)0.41259 (3)0.06342 (12)
O10.19186 (10)1.3218 (2)0.57890 (18)0.0611 (6)
O20.15388 (9)1.0666 (2)0.55101 (17)0.0574 (5)
C10.06311 (12)0.7159 (3)0.2247 (3)0.0545 (7)
C20.04955 (11)0.5874 (3)0.1622 (3)0.0553 (7)
C30.05732 (10)0.4580 (3)0.2236 (3)0.0480 (6)
C40.07828 (10)0.4529 (3)0.3435 (3)0.0480 (6)
C50.09170 (10)0.5816 (3)0.4055 (3)0.0469 (6)
C60.08443 (9)0.7138 (3)0.3460 (2)0.0422 (5)
C70.10038 (10)0.8494 (3)0.4158 (3)0.0444 (6)
C80.13502 (9)0.9403 (3)0.3658 (2)0.0417 (5)
C90.15471 (10)1.0703 (3)0.4438 (2)0.0421 (5)
C100.17415 (9)1.1927 (2)0.3898 (2)0.0376 (5)
C110.17591 (11)1.1946 (3)0.2682 (2)0.0481 (6)
C120.19496 (12)1.3112 (3)0.2210 (3)0.0550 (7)
C130.21269 (11)1.4279 (3)0.2937 (3)0.0545 (7)
C140.21187 (10)1.4284 (3)0.4115 (3)0.0516 (7)
C150.19263 (10)1.3118 (3)0.4619 (2)0.0428 (5)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Cl10.0831 (6)0.0495 (4)0.0769 (5)0.0197 (4)0.0312 (4)0.0233 (4)
Br10.05194 (17)0.04197 (15)0.0691 (2)0.00312 (11)0.02003 (14)0.00637 (12)
Br20.05503 (19)0.05123 (18)0.0874 (3)0.00816 (13)0.02336 (16)0.00960 (15)
O10.0985 (17)0.0433 (10)0.0428 (11)0.0141 (10)0.0186 (11)0.0098 (8)
O20.0898 (16)0.0454 (10)0.0388 (10)0.0148 (10)0.0190 (10)0.0032 (8)
C10.0681 (18)0.0395 (13)0.0523 (17)0.0053 (13)0.0062 (14)0.0032 (12)
C20.0684 (18)0.0489 (15)0.0468 (16)0.0067 (13)0.0092 (13)0.0065 (12)
C30.0495 (14)0.0417 (13)0.0570 (17)0.0074 (11)0.0206 (12)0.0129 (12)
C40.0531 (15)0.0315 (11)0.0615 (18)0.0039 (10)0.0174 (13)0.0012 (11)
C50.0507 (14)0.0390 (12)0.0507 (15)0.0021 (11)0.0111 (11)0.0028 (11)
C60.0475 (13)0.0345 (11)0.0454 (14)0.0047 (10)0.0121 (11)0.0022 (10)
C70.0536 (14)0.0328 (11)0.0476 (14)0.0016 (10)0.0132 (11)0.0000 (10)
C80.0507 (13)0.0330 (11)0.0418 (13)0.0013 (10)0.0118 (11)0.0011 (9)
C90.0561 (14)0.0320 (10)0.0365 (13)0.0020 (10)0.0076 (11)0.0007 (9)
C100.0464 (12)0.0305 (10)0.0354 (12)0.0008 (9)0.0083 (10)0.0001 (9)
C110.0611 (16)0.0437 (13)0.0388 (14)0.0058 (12)0.0100 (12)0.0031 (10)
C120.0691 (18)0.0549 (16)0.0433 (15)0.0072 (14)0.0178 (13)0.0084 (12)
C130.0631 (17)0.0412 (13)0.0581 (18)0.0073 (12)0.0119 (14)0.0105 (12)
C140.0586 (16)0.0306 (11)0.0623 (18)0.0067 (11)0.0077 (13)0.0024 (11)
C150.0513 (14)0.0319 (11)0.0432 (14)0.0005 (10)0.0065 (11)0.0002 (9)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
Cl1—C31.741 (3)C6—C71.501 (3)
Br1—C81.974 (3)C7—C81.520 (4)
Br2—C71.990 (3)C7—H7A0.9800
O1—C151.347 (3)C8—C91.527 (3)
O2—C91.232 (3)C9—C101.463 (3)
C1—C61.383 (4)C10—C111.403 (4)
C1—C21.395 (4)C10—C151.406 (3)
C1—H1A0.9300C11—C121.376 (4)
C2—C31.378 (4)C11—H11A0.9300
C2—H2A0.9300C12—C131.386 (4)
C3—C41.367 (4)C12—H12A0.9300
C4—C51.393 (4)C13—C141.353 (4)
C5—C61.390 (4)C14—C151.398 (4)
C15—O1—H1O1106.8C7—C8—Br1107.91 (17)
C6—C1—C2120.7 (3)C9—C8—Br1104.04 (17)
C3—C2—C1118.9 (3)Br1—C8—H8A110.2
C3—C2—H2A120.6O2—C9—C10122.7 (2)
C1—C2—H2A120.6O2—C9—C8118.0 (2)
C4—C3—C2121.6 (2)C10—C9—C8119.3 (2)
C4—C3—Cl1119.2 (2)C11—C10—C15118.4 (2)
C2—C3—Cl1119.2 (2)C11—C10—C9122.3 (2)
C3—C4—C5119.3 (3)C15—C10—C9119.3 (2)
C3—C4—H4A120.3C12—C11—C10120.6 (3)
C6—C5—C4120.4 (3)C10—C11—H11A119.7
C6—C5—H5A119.8C11—C12—C13120.0 (3)
C1—C6—C5119.1 (2)C13—C12—H12A120.0
C1—C6—C7122.3 (2)C14—C13—C12120.7 (3)
C5—C6—C7118.6 (2)C14—C13—H13A119.6
C6—C7—C8114.2 (2)C12—C13—H13A119.6
C6—C7—Br2110.76 (19)C13—C14—C15120.5 (3)
C8—C7—Br2104.30 (16)C13—C14—H14A119.7
C8—C7—H7A109.1O1—C15—C14117.2 (2)
Br2—C7—H7A109.1O1—C15—C10123.0 (2)
C7—C8—C9113.9 (2)C14—C15—C10119.7 (3)
C6—C1—C2—C30.7 (5)Br1—C8—C9—O294.9 (3)
C1—C2—C3—C40.6 (5)C7—C8—C9—C10158.4 (2)
C1—C2—C3—Cl1179.8 (3)Br1—C8—C9—C1084.4 (2)
C2—C3—C4—C50.7 (4)O2—C9—C10—C11178.6 (3)
Cl1—C3—C4—C5179.9 (2)C8—C9—C10—C110.7 (4)
C3—C4—C5—C60.8 (4)O2—C9—C10—C150.2 (4)
C2—C1—C6—C50.8 (5)C8—C9—C10—C15179.5 (2)
C2—C1—C6—C7178.8 (3)C15—C10—C11—C120.5 (4)
C4—C5—C6—C10.9 (4)C9—C10—C11—C12179.3 (3)
C4—C5—C6—C7178.7 (3)C10—C11—C12—C130.1 (5)
C1—C6—C7—C856.8 (4)C11—C12—C13—C140.5 (5)
C5—C6—C7—C8122.8 (3)C12—C13—C14—C150.7 (5)
C1—C6—C7—Br260.6 (3)C13—C14—C15—O1178.2 (3)
C5—C6—C7—Br2119.8 (2)C13—C14—C15—C100.3 (4)
C6—C7—C8—C9174.5 (2)C11—C10—C15—O1178.7 (3)
Br2—C7—C8—C964.5 (2)C9—C10—C15—O12.5 (4)
C6—C7—C8—Br159.5 (3)C11—C10—C15—C140.3 (4)
Br2—C7—C8—Br1179.45 (11)C9—C10—C15—C14179.2 (3)
C7—C8—C9—O222.3 (4)
Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, º) top
O1—H1O1···O20.801.872.591 (3)150
C11—H11A···O2i0.932.533.416 (4)160
Symmetry code: (i) x, y+2, z1/2.

Experimental details

Crystal data
Chemical formulaC15H11Br2ClO2
Crystal system, space groupMonoclinic, C2/c
Temperature (K)297
a, b, c (Å)29.075 (3), 9.2358 (10), 11.4374 (12)
β (°) 103.290 (2)
V3)2989.0 (6)
Radiation typeMo Kα
µ (mm1)5.60
Crystal size (mm)0.39 × 0.36 × 0.22
Data collection
DiffractometerBruker SMART APEXII DUO CCD area-detector
Absorption correctionMulti-scan
(SADABS; Bruker, 2009)
Tmin, Tmax0.218, 0.379
No. of measured, independent and
observed [I > 2σ(I)] reflections
16663, 5375, 3337
(sin θ/λ)max1)0.757
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)], wR(F2), S 0.037, 0.122, 1.04
No. of reflections5375
No. of parameters181
H-atom treatmentH-atom parameters constrained
Δρmax, Δρmin (e Å3)0.61, 0.47

Computer programs: APEX2 (Bruker, 2009), SAINT (Bruker, 2009), SHELXTL (Sheldrick, 2008) and PLATON (Spek, 2009).

Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, º) top
O1—H1O1···O20.801.872.591 (3)150
C11—H11A···O2i0.932.533.416 (4)160.3
Symmetry code: (i) x, y+2, z1/2.

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