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Figure 4
(a) L3-edge EXAFS simulation with different models. (b) FFT of experimental and theoretical EXAFS. Residuals are not reported for clarity (see Table 2[link]). Model (1): four single-scattering shells were used to simulate experimental EXAFS. Model (2): the previous model was modified and two theoretical EXAFS signals shifted by 7 eV were used; the amplitude ratio of the lower-energy signal to the higher-energy signal is 3:2. Model (3): the multi-electron excitation has been subtracted from the experimental EXAFS, but two theoretical EXAFS signals were not used in the simulation. Model (4): the multi-electron excitation was subtracted from the experimental EXAFS and two theoretical EXAFS signals were used in the simulation, as described in model (2).

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