research papers
L3 edge of Ce in CeO2: effects of and final-state mixed valence
analysis of theaDipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Università degli Studi di Trieste, Via L. Giorgieri 1, 34127 Trieste, Italy, and bSincrotrone Trieste SCpA, SS 14, Km 163.5, 34012 Trieste, Italy
*Correspondence e-mail: vlaic@elettra.trieste.it
Cerium oxide (IV) (CeO2) is extensively employed in particularly as a promoter of noble metal action in three-way catalysts. For this reason there is a great scientific and economical interest in the development of any possible chemical or structural analysis technique that could provide information on these systems. spectroscopy has revealed itself as a powerful technique for structural characterization of such catalysts. Unfortunately, good quality K-edge spectra of cerium are not yet easily obtainable because of the high photon energy required (>40 keV). On the other hand, at lower energies it is easy to collect very good spectra of the L3 edge (5.5 keV), but L3-edge spectra of cerium (IV) are characterized by the presence of two undesired additional phenomena that interfere with analysis: final-state mixed-valence behaviour and intense Here, a comparative analysis of the K, L3, L2 and L1 edges of Ce in CeO2 has been made and a procedure for obtaining structural parameters from L3-edge even in the presence of these features, has been developed. This procedure could allow further studies of catalytic compounds containing tetravalent cerium surrounded by oxygen ligands.
Keywords: EXAFS; CeO2; multielectron excitations; final-state mixed valence.
1. Introduction
Cerium oxide (IV) (CeO2) is extensively employed in particularly as a promoter of noble metal action in three-way catalysts (Fornasiero et al., 1995; Ranga Rao et al., 1995
EXAFS spectroscopy has revealed itself as a powerful technique for structural characterization of such catalytic systems (Vlaic et al., 1997; Li et al., 1994a
). At present, by using synchrotron light devices, it is possible to record high-quality spectra for a large variety of elements for a detailed quantitative analysis. However, for heavy elements like cerium, good quality K-edge spectra are not yet easily obtainable because of the high photon energy required (>40 keV). On the other hand, at lower energies it is possible to collect very good spectra of the L3 edge (5.5 keV). However, the L3-edge spectrum of cerium (IV) is characterized by the presence of two undesired additional phenomena: final-state mixed-valence behaviour and intense These phenomena interfere with analysis. The goal of our work is to obtain a correct L3-edge analysis procedure for obtaining structural parameters even in the presence of these features. This procedure could allow further studies of catalytic compounds containing tetravalent cerium surrounded by oxygen ligands.
In many Ce compounds, strong resonant-like features are superimposed on the et al., 1995; Chaboy et al., 1990
, 1994
). Moreover, tetravalent Ce compounds show a peculiar double-peak shape of the L3 edge (Fig. 1
). This is due to the mixed-valence behaviour of tetravalent Ce in its final state, due to the interaction between 4f orbitals of the metal and 2p orbitals of the ligands in its initial state (Bianconi et al., 1987
; Soldatov et al., 1994
; Malterre, 1990
; Natoli & Benfatto, 1987
; Beaurepoire et al., 1988
). This is a final-state effect which tends to lower the signal amplitude (Solera et al., 1995
![]() | Figure 1 L3 edge of Ce in CeO2. The double-peak shape of the edge is mainly due to two transitions: the lower-energy peak is assigned to the 2p → 5d transition with 4f1L configuration, the higher-energy peak to the 2p → 5d transition with 4f0L configuration. |
For obtaining a quantitative evaluation of the effect of the different phenomena on structural parameters, we made a comparative analysis of K, L3, L2 and L1 edges of Ce in CeO2. First of all we simulated the K-edge signal and we found that it was quite simple to obtain a fairly good agreement with experimental data; the structural parameters obtained were compatible with crystallographic data. From this starting point we began to analyse the L3-edge signal. Using the same procedure we expected to obtain a result similar to that obtained for K-edge signal analysis, but we found big discrepancies between L3- and K-edge signal analysis results. By careful comparison of the two data sets we identified two distinct phenomena interfering with the L3-edge signal analysis.
We clearly identified two strong L3 and L2 edges. We found that it is necessary to use two sets of theoretical phases and amplitudes in order to correctly fit the amplitude of the L3 edge. This method has been used by other authors for performing an L3-edge XANES simulation of Ce in CeO2 (Soldatov et al., 1994).
2. Experimental details
Analysis was carried out on two spectra, whose recording conditions were the following:
(i) K edge of Ce in CeO2 (room temperature): the was collected on the GILDA beamline (BM8) at the ESRF storage ring. The monochromator was an Si(511) double crystal. The first was filled with Kr at a pressure of 0.235 atm, the second was filled with Kr at 1 atm. The sample was prepared by grinding carefully 100 mg of CeO2 (Aldrich 99.99%) together with 100 mg of polyethylene in a mortar. The of the sample was checked by moving it in the two directions perpendicular to the X-ray beam, keeping the energy of the X-rays constant and controlling whether the of the sample remained constant or not.
(ii) L3, L2 and L1 edges of Ce in CeO2 (room temperature): the was collected on EXAFS-II, station E4, at the DORIS storage ring. The monochromator was an Si(111) double crystal. Harmonics were rejected detuning the crystal while using stabilization feedback control. The sample was prepared by deposition from a powder suspension in cyclohexane on a Millipore membrane (type RA 12 µm).
3. Analysis details
The 2 is Fm3m with cell parameter a = 5.411 Å (Wyckoff, 1963). The independent positions in this cell are Ce at 0,0,0 and O at 0.25,0.25,0.25. In the structure we can identify successive coordination shells around the Ce atom. Data referring to the first five shells are reported in Table 1
Data analysis was performed using the GNXAS package (Filipponi & Cicco, 1995). GNXAS was used because it is the only currently available software which introduces special parameters into the simulation to describe features. GNXAS also produces reliable relativistic treatment of the signal, suitable for heavy atoms like Ce.
Due to the high quality of the data of all spectra we k2-weighted all signals during parameter refining and in all the figures.
The value of S02 (amplitude reduction factor) in all cases was taken as fixed and equal to unity in all simulations in spite of the fact that usually its fitted value should range from 0.8 to 0.95 (Filipponi et al., 1995). When S02 was left free to vary it did not change its value significantly from unity.
The values of the energy resolution parameter are described in the tables and in the following paragraphs.
3.1. Analysis of the K-edge EXAFS
We fitted data in k-space in the interval 2.9–10.4 Å−1 (equivalent to an energy interval 40482–40863 eV). Actually, the quality of the spectrum allowed the upper limit to be extended to 15 Å−1, but in order to make a comparison between K- and L3-edge spectra we chose a shorter interval. In fact, the presence of the L2 edge in the L3-edge spectrum prevents a fit beyond 10.4 Å−1 from being performed. The approximate experimental resolution of the GILDA beamline at 40 keV is 4 eV. We allowed the value of the energy resolution to be free to vary in the fitting and we found a final value of the energy resolution of 5.6 eV; this is in agreement with a further broadening due to the finite core-hole lifetime.
We tested how many scattering paths were necessary to obtain a good simulation of the
signal and to obtain the best agreement between structural parameters calculated by signal fitting and crystallographic data.First we introduced the single-scattering contributions due to the first four shells of atomic neighbours into the simulation. The comparison between the (a), and Fig. 2
(b) reports the single-scattering contribution of each shell to the simulation with four shells. The agreement between experimental and simulated signals was fairly good and the FFT of the simulated signal matched the FFT of the experimental signal from 0 to 4 Å (Fig. 3
). The introduction of more single-scattering contributions into the calculations did not really improve the quality of the simulation or the obtained data; in fact, even the fourth-shell contribution is small, though not negligible.
![]() | Figure 2 (a) Different number of shells in the simulation. Continuous line: experimental signal; dashed line: simulation; dots: residual. (b) Single-scattering contributions added to the simulation. |
![]() | Figure 3 FFT of experimental K-edge (continuous line), four-shell simulation (dashed line) and residual (dots). The residual is vertically down-shifted for clarity. |
Then we introduced the effect of multiple scattering into the simulation. We considered in our calculations only the most important scattering paths, i.e. geometrical arrangements of three atoms with deviations from collinearity below 60°, paths with the number of scattering processes below six and with a maximum length of 8 Å. The results of these calculations are reported in Table 2.
The improvement of the simulation obtained by adding the multiple scattering was negligible compared with the number of free parameters added. Moreover, the values of the structural parameters obtained from the calculations with and without the multiple-scattering effects are in good agreement. For these reasons we decided to use only the single-scattering approximation to simulate all the
signals presented in this work.3.2. L3-edge analysis
We used the same four-shell model [model (1) in Figs. 4(a) and 4
(b)] for L3-edge analysis, but the simulation was not in good agreement with the experimental signal (see Table 3
![]() | Figure 4 (a) L3-edge simulation with different models. (b) FFT of experimental and theoretical Residuals are not reported for clarity (see Table 2 ![]() |
Then we introduced a shake-up resonance into the simulation [model (3) in Figs. 4(a) and 4
(b)]. In fact, evidence of the presence of in the Ce L3-edge energy region has been shown by several authors (Solera et al., 1995
; Chaboy et al., 1990
, 1994
; Kodre et al., 1995
). To simulate this feature we used a Lorentzian curve characterized by three parameters (position, height and width) which could freely vary during the fit procedure (Fig. 5
a). This additional feature improved the fit, which matched better the experimental signal. Although the residual was smaller than that of model (1), its value and the values of the structural parameters were still far from those obtained from the K-edge spectrum (see Table 3
). It was necessary to introduce another correction.
![]() | Figure 5 (a) Simulation of the L3-edge with model (4) (see text and Fig. 4 ![]() |
To take into account the mixed-valence behaviour of CeIV we approximated the L3-edge signal with two signals which differed only in their k-scale origin and in the relative weight of the signal amplitude [model (4) in Table 3]. To perform this with GNXAS we introduced two sets of phases and amplitudes with different k-scale origins (two phases and amplitudes for each simulated shell), i.e. we simply changed the energy scale of one calculated set. The energy difference between the origins was 7 eV and we assigned a 66% relative weight to the phase and amplitude with the origin at lowest energy.
The energy difference between the two origins and the weights of the functions were kept constant in the fit, so we did not introduce any additional parameter in this step of the simulation. Once again the residual decreased compared with model (1). This last model, labelled (4) in Figs. 4(a) and 4
(b), matched the L3-edge as good as the simplest model matched the K-edge
We also tried one more model. We introduced the double set of phases and amplitudes without the correction for the and Figs. 4
(a) and 4
It is important to carefully introduce broadening due to finite core-hole lifetime and experimental resolution into the L3 edge we used a sum of 1 eV for the estimated experimental resolution (EXAFS-II beamline at DORIS storage ring) and 3 eV for the core-hole lifetime as reported in the literature (Soldatov et al., 1994). However, if we vary the resolution parameter in the L3 fitting without using two-channels convolution, we find an abnormal broadening of 8 eV or even more. This is due to an evident error in the model amplitude.
3.3. L2-edge analysis
We also tried to extend our analysis to the L2- and L1-edge signals to confirm the data obtained from L3-edge analysis, moreover to verify if it was possible to use jointly these edges for obtaining more accurate structural data.
Data for the L2 and L1 edges reported in all of the tables and figures have always been obtained from simultaneous multi-edge fitting. No independent fit of the L2 and L1 edges is reported herein, because their signals are superimposed on signals of the preceding edge, i.e. the L2-edge signal is superimposed on the L3-edge signal which does not stop at the energy where the L2-edge appears. Thus we always used the same structural parameters fitting L3, L2 and L1 edges together as when we fitted the L3-edge signal alone. Then we subtracted the extrapolated simulation of the signals of lower-energy edges from the highest one. With this method we were able to fit two or more signals with the same structural parameters and greatly increase the number of independent points. This is a standard feature of the GNXAS package (Di Cicco, 1996).
We fitted the L2-edge signal between 2.9 and 9.8 Å−1 in k-space.
Using the multi-edge fitting procedure, only the not simulated (or in other words `residual') signal of the L3 edge cannot be subtracted from the L2-edge signal. This residual signal of the L3-edge was not negligible; in this way the simulation of the L2-edge signal was not as good as that of the L3-edge signal (Fig. 6).
![]() | Figure 6 Multi-edge refining of (a) L3-edge, (b) L2-edge and (c) L1-edge the same structural parameters are used to fit simultaneously the three signals. Continuous line: experimental signal; dashed line: theoretical dots: residual. In (a) and (b) the has been subtracted from the experimental EXAFS. |
Incidentally, the simulation was good enough to provide further information. In fact, on the L2 edge it was necessary to introduce a resonance, like on the L3 edge. Its position, relative to E0 and its width were similar to those on the L3 edge and the intensity ratio between the resonances was approximately equal to the intensity ratio between the edge jumps (Fig. 5b).
It is difficult to say in this case if it is necessary or not to use two different sets of phases and amplitudes. The lowering of the residual due to the addition of the shifted set of phases and amplitudes is not as significant as that found on the L3 edge, even trying different constant values for the energy gap between the origins of the k scale and the relative intensity of the two channels.
This is probably due to the complexity and difficulty of the L2-edge fit. In fact, the residual of the fit at low k-scale values is significantly greater than that found on the L3 edge, probably for the non-completely subtracted L3-edge signal superimposed on the L2-edge. In this way the effect of the two energy-shifted sets, which is greater at low k values, seems to be less important than on the L3 edge.
For these reasons we do not report herein the results on the use of two sets of phases and amplitudes on the L2 edge; the data obtained without the two sets are reported in Table 4.
3.4. L1-edge analysis
We analysed the L1-edge signal in the interval 3.5–9.8 Å−1 in the same way as we analysed that of the L2 edge. We fitted simultaneously L3-, L2- and L1-edge signals (Table 4). The simulation was not good in terms of superimposing the L3- and L2-edge signals. The same observation has been performed on the L2-edge signal simulation. In this case it was unnecessary to introduce two sets of phases and amplitudes and additional background shake-up features (Fig. 6
c). In fact we found no evidence for a relevant shake-up feature, though it was found in less complex CeIV systems and described by other authors (Solera et al., 1995
; Chaboy et al., 1994
3.5. Error bars calculation
We calculated the error bars of the parameters by the Monte Carlo method (Kalos & Whitlock, 1986). We estimated the average noise level of each spectrum using different smoothing procedures and we found values of about 10−3. Then we produced a sample population of spectra adding a random noise with normal distribution and a standard deviation equal to 10−3. On each element of the sample population we applied the same fitting procedure using the SIMPLEX routine (MINUIT, 1992
). During the fitting we allowed the background removal parameters to be free, in order to include into the error bars the correlation between background and structural parameters. We performed many tests on the number of elements of the sample population to be used and we found that the error bars became fairly constant using more than 15 spectra, so we built a population of 20 elements.
Estimated standard deviations (e.s.d.s) and averaged values were obtained by averaging the different fit results and assuming a normal distribution. We also calculated correlation coefficients with standard formulae (Taylor, 1990). We always used a sample population of 20 elements and this lead to a confidence interval for the e.s.d. of each parameter of, at most, 20% of its value (Spiegel, 1979
). Tables reported on this paper show errors calculated with a 95.28% confidence level (i.e. a confidence interval as large as twice the e.s.d.).
To routinely perform such calculations with GNXAS we developed a set of codes. In this way we can apply a more robust method for error analysis than gradient-based routines.
4. Discussion
It is evident, from the examined data, that a simple
simulation is unable to provide good results and that it is necessary to introduce simultaneously the effect of mixed- valence behaviour and multi-electron excitation.The introduction of two different sets of phases and amplitudes lowers considerably the residual with no cost in terms of the number of variable parameters. This implies a damping of the k-scale values, which is in agreement with the differences found by other authors (Solera et al., 1995) when comparing the L3-edge signals of similar compounds of CeIII and CeIV.
The use of the two shifted i.e. model (4)] is based on the possibility of calculating independently the electron excitation process for the two different electronic configurations (4f0L and 4f1L, if we neglect 4f2L). Such an approximation is the same as that used for XANES simulations performed by other authors (Bianconi et al., 1987; Soldatov et al., 1994
; Malterre, 1990
). In fact, these two electronic configurations lead to a different screening of the core hole: the peak at a lower energy can be interpreted as a 2p → 5d transition with a 4f1L initial-state configuration, whereas that at a higher energy can be interpreted as a 2p → 5d transition with a 4f0L initial state.
Our results confirm the necessity of using such an approach when simulating an
signal.The correction of the (a) and 4
(b), that the discrepancies between data and simulation are essentially localized in a narrow region. Moreover, the evident shoulder on the left of the first FFT peak disappears after having introduced the correction for the This is due to the removal of the non-periodic feature. In addition, after removal of the the first-shell distance increased, becoming closer to the crystallographic estimate.
These p, 4d → 5d2 transitions (Chaboy et al., 1994), have a similar relative position on the L3 and L2 edges (124 eV and 123 eV above the edge, respectively) and their intensity ratio is near to 2:1, equal to their edge-jump ratio. These experimental values are in agreement with the degeneracy ratio of the L3 and L2 final states: j = 3/2 and j = 1/2.
One more observation can be performed on the values of the disorder parameters of the first shells. Introducing the corrections to the model their values lower significantly, approaching values calculated independently on the K-edge spectrum. Furthermore, we want to point out that it is important to carefully introduce broadening due to finite core-hole lifetime and experimental resolution into the simulation.
Although it is evident that the simulation of the L3-edge spectrum improves using model (4), simulation of the L2 spectrum does not improve significantly using the same model. In principle, both the L3- and L2-edge simulations should improve as we introduce the correction, but the overlap of the L3-edge signal onto that of the L2 edge makes the analysis more difficult. In fact, the effect of mixing two signals with different edge positions is stronger at lower k (Å−1) values and negligible at higher ones, but on the L2 edge at low k values the mixing of the L2-EXAFS and L3-EXAFS residual is also strong. In this way it is not easy to find a clear difference between the models and we do not report these data here.
5. Conclusions
Several theoretical and experimental papers have been written on III and CeIV compounds (Solera et al., 1995; Chaboy et al., 1990
, 1994
; Kodre et al., 1995
; Mukoyama & Ito, 1994
), but in all cases it was possible to identify the phenomenon in the spectra only in poorly structured materials with simple or weak signals.
We identified two L3 and L2 edges of a highly structured material like a metal oxide (CeO2) where the signal is strong and complex. This allowed a more accurate determination of distances and further analysis of the structure.
present in bothWe found that the simultaneous use of two distinct energy-shifted signals is necessary for the correct simulation of the L3-edge as suggested in previous XANES studies (Bianconi et al., 1987; Soldatov et al., 1994
) and experimental observations (Solera et al., 1995
The L3 edge of CeO2 is a particularly complex quantistic puzzle, though the common use in the community of experimental phases and amplitudes and analysis performed through Fourier filtering of the first shell have hidden the real problems and the complexity of this system. In fact, both phenomena were generally known but, only now, using accurate theoretical calculations and studying the entire unfiltered signal, have we felt it necessary to put all of the pieces together. The recent development of advanced analysis software has played a major role in making affordable and routinely available ab-initio simulations, but in this way it is not possible to neglect additional quantistic phenomena like or mixed-valence behaviours.
This work now allows us to use the same technique on the analysis of the L3 edge of Ce in CexZr1−xO2 catalysts. These are important real catalytic systems and they will be the subject of further studies. In the spectra of high-surface-area catalysts the greater structural disorder will diminish the amplitude of the signal revealing more clearly the features. For the same reason the overlap of the L3- and L2-EXAFS signal on the L2 edge will be smaller allowing a better L2-edge simulation. This means that removal and the use of a double channel will be of critical importance for the correct evaluation of distances and coordination numbers.
We thank the Sincrotrone Trieste ScpA for economical support and computer assistance. We fully acknowledge the authors of GNXAS and FITHEO software for user license and support. We thank Dr Obaidur Rahman for the recording of the L3-, L2- and L1-edge data set at the EXAFS-II beamline of DORIS storage ring in Hamburg. We thank Dr Paolo Ghigna for sample preparation and recording of the K-edge data set at ESRF on the GILDA beamline.
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