Figure 8
Reconstitution of the solution scattering pattern from apoferritin. The solid line was recorded with a 220 cm camera, with an aperture of 10, 3 s data collection and no mask. The range S < 0.008 Å−1 was used. The broken line was recorded with a 220 cm camera with an aperture of 4, 4 s data collection and 30 mm-diameter mask. This curve was used with S < 0.0165 Å−1. Open circles were recorded with a 50 cm camera using an aperture of 7, 100 s (10 s × 10 cycle), and 15 mm-diameter mask. The same curves are magnified in the insert. Crosses were recorded by a PSPC in a 2400 s exposure. The protein concentration was 11 mg ml−1. |