issue contents
January 2001 issue

Cover illustration: Composite diagram showing the different aspects of synchrotron radiation covered by the Journal of Synchrotron Radiation.
facility information
research papers
An X-ray interferometer is for the first time operated in non-planar three-beam diffraction mode. In addition to the novelty as such, its ability to quadruple the useful sample volume in phase-contrast microtomography is demonstrated.
Fluorescence detection was added to the piezo-QEXAFS technique enabling the detection of XANES data from dilute specimens in about 50 ms.
A new high-pressure single-crystal diffraction facility constructed on station 9.8 at the Synchrotron Radiation Source, Daresbury Laboratory, is described. Initial results on the low-melting-point compound ethanol are presented; diffraction data were of sufficient quality to enable H-atoms to be located.
A crystal bender for sagittal focusing has been designed for standard monochromators at SPring-8. The bender does not move the position of the crystal center when the bending radius is changed. Sagittal focusing from 40 keV to 60 keV was achieved by using Si(311) double crystals.
The results of high-heat-load tests of indirectly cryogenically cooled silicon monochromators are presented.
A new Cauchois-type high-resolution Compton spectrometer is described. The spectrometer is capable of measuring Compton profiles of heavy-element materials with a momentum resolution of 0.10 atomic units.
An X-ray double phase retarder system composed of two transmission-type phase retarders is proposed and developed in order to compensate for off-axis aberration (phase-shift inhomogeneity due to angular divergence of incident X-rays).
book reviews

international union of crystallography