research papers
A multiple-scattering theory of circular and linear dichroism for photoemission and photoabsorption
aESRF, BP 220, F-38043 Grenoble Cedex, France, and bLaboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN, CP 13-00044 Frascati, Italy
*Correspondence e-mail: natoli@lnf.infn.it
A unified treatment of via a generalized optical theorem. Plausibility arguments are given that in correlated d-band systems screening and relaxation effects are not so drastic as in other cases, due to the autoscreening action of the excited photoelectron, so that the final is much like the initial unperturbed one. It is shown how to exploit this point of view to obtain in favorables cases separated orbital and spin moment radial (surface) distribution maps from dichroic magnetic spectra (photoelectron diffraction patterns) related to the ground state. Dichroic natural spectra, both in photoemission and absorption, are shown to be sensitive only to atoms in chiral geometry.
both natural and magnetic, in (spin-resolved) photoemission and photoabsorption from core levels is given, valid in the many-body case and for extended systems, together with an extension of the formalism to treat linear dichroism. The reduction of this scheme to a one-electron picture in the framework of multiple scattering theory is briefly discussed and shows the intimate connection of the two spectroscopies