Figure 8
Experimental (open circles) and simulated (solid lines) ϕ-scans of the and 3-BD in KDP (KH2PO4, potassium dihydrogen phosphate) crystal as a function of the polarization angle χ. Primary reflection: 260. Simulated curves were generated using equation (2) (Appendix A ) for the `out → in' position. The best-fit values of δT and ξ, for R = 0.6515 and b′ = 0.84 [R332 = 0.485 and R132 = 0.515, see equation (3) ], are shown on the left-hand side of each scan. The number on the other side stands for the maximum intensity normalized by the base line, 1. Wavelength: 1.65382 Å (2θA ≃ 90°). |