issue contents
May 2003 issue

Cover illustration: A three-dimensional schematic of the driving mechanism for a variable-period undulator placed outside a straight-section vacuum chamber, see Shenoy, Lewelyn, Shu and Vinokurov, pages 205-213. A section of the magnetic solenoid is also shown.
facility information
lead articles
Undulators with the capability to change the length of the magnetic period can deliver radiation with unique properties. A concept for such a variable-period undulator has been described and its applicability to storage-ring, ERL and FEL sources is discussed.
research papers
A model of the overlap of electronic pulses in the counting chain of X-ray detectors is developed. The model is used to derive the counting losses and the statistical accuracy of measurements made with pulse-counting detectors.
Intravenous coronary angiography is the most advanced medical application of synchrotron radiation. The results of a large study of 230 patients at HASYLAB demonstrate the feasibility and safety of the method.
High-resolution synchrotron radiation powder diffraction experiments indicate that the reversible orthorhombic–tetragonal phase transition in La0.68(Ti0.95,Al0.05)O3 occurs continuously and reversibly at 622.3 ± 0.2 K.
The sagittal focusing of a Laue-diffracted X-ray beam may be achieved if a parabolic profile is machined into the exit and/or entrance surface of the crystal. To obtain a sufficiently large focusing effect, the Laue crystal must be cut asymmetrically.
A simple X-ray diffractometer for exploitation of the linear polarization of synchrotron radiation in three-beam diffraction experiments is described. Examples of data-collection procedures for extracting triplet-phase values with good accuracy are given.
The light-modulated XAFS method was developed for the study of photoexcited states. It is found to be applicable to systems with an excited-state ratio of less than a few percent.
The intensity distribution behind an asymmetric Laue crystal of a δ-like incident X-ray pulse is explicitly given, adopting the results from dynamic theory.
This paper describes the design and use of a focusing crystal analyser in diffuse X-ray scattering experiments. This geometry allows a major increase in efficiency for accurate structure-factor measurements.
The ReflEXAFS facility active at the GILDA CRG beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility is described. Examples of studies feasible on this experimental apparatus are given.
The orientations of the carbonyl and the phenyl groups within submicrometre bis-urea crystals were determined using scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM). The STXM data were confirmed using the single-crystal X-ray structure obtained from a larger crystal.
This paper contains a description of a technique for nulling the mechanical forces in insertion devices by means of magnetic counterforce. Calculations are presented for pure permanent-magnet and hybrid-magnet structures, and a prototype pure permanent-magnet device is described.
The causes and consequences of gas formation during X-ray irradiation of poly(methylmethacrylate) thick resist layers under various conditions are discussed. Remedies for minimizing swelling are explored.
short communications
The effectiveness of cryogenic specimen conditions for reducing soft X-ray radiation damage is explored. Cryo-conditions protect against mass loss, but less so against the loss of chemical bonds as measured using oxygen X-ray absorption near-edge structure or XANES on poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA).
Experiments in which high-energy (65.35 keV) X-rays were used to record the detailed diffuse diffraction patterns of a number of ceramic materials are reported
A versatile X-ray beamstop with integrated sensor is described. The beamstop has an overall diameter of 1.5 mm and an active area of approximately 100 µm in diameter.
Novel tapered metal capillary optics that produce X-ray beams of 5–10 µm diameter have been used to generate chemically specific images of selenium in Astragalus bisulcatus, a hyperaccumulating plant.
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