Figure 2
The experimental procedure of sampling-XAS. (i) Rapid-scan XAS reference spectrum of the Mn complex in its S1 state (no flash illumination, scan duration 3 s). The inset shows the S1-state spectrum after averaging of several scans from a series of experiments and normalization. (ii) Time scan of fluorescence at 6553 eV (in the rising part of the Mn K edge) at a resolution of 10 ms per point (single-scan data). The inset shows the first 1.7 s where three laser flashes have been fired (arrows). (iii) Rapid-scan XAS spectrum measured after the time scan. The meaning of the indicated fluorescence-intensity levels and further details are explained in the text. The lower picture summarizes the sequence of measurements in the sampling-XAS experiment schematically. The X-ray beam was blocked between the data-collection periods by a rapid beam shutter. |