Figure 4
Measured Compton profiles (crosses) of (a) Al and (b) Sr2RuO4, compared with theory (thin solid lines). The theoretical spectra are obtained by summing the theoretical Compton profiles (dots), the multiple scattering contributions (thick solid lines) and the background (thick broken line). The theoretical Compton profile of Al is the sum of the valence-electron (Papanicolaou et al., 1991 ) and the core-electron (Biggs et al., 1975 ) contributions. The theoretical Compton profile of Sr2RuO4 was calculated based on band theory (Hiraoka, Buslaps, Honkimäki, Itou et al., 2005 ). The background is not shown for (b) because it was negligible. The insets show the elastic lines (crosses). The solid lines are the fitting results with Gaussian curves. The shoulders in the high-energy side arise from the imperfect dispersion compensation, mainly due to the penetration depth of X-rays in the samples. |