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Figure 1
Cross-sectional view of the sample chamber. The height from base plate to top lid is 260 mm, and the diameter of the middle part is 140 mm. 1, Feedthrough for target spindle; 2, feedthrough for pre-ablation shutter; 3, electro-motor for target spindle; 4, viewport; 5, water-cooling connections; 6, pre-ablation shutter; 7, target; 8, aluminium chamber wall; 9, laser beam; 10, thinned part of aluminium wall (0.5 mm); 11, substrate position; 12, resistive wire heater embedded in nickel heater block; 13, fused silica laser window; 14, vacuum pump connection; 15, base plate (d = 150 mm).

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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