Figure 1
Set-up for soft X-ray diffraction. Monochromatic X-ray synchrotron radiation (SR) enters the cylindrical box through a beryllium window of thickness 25 µm. A jet of cold helium gas (He) cools the crystal fixed to the end of the φ-axis (phi). A telescope (Te) is used for the alignment of the crystal in the beam. The configuration shown is used for the measurement of X-ray fluorescence and the absorption by the detectors (F and Tr). These detectors will be withdrawn when the crystal is loaded using the sample transfer line (S) and when the diffracted intensity is being recorded. The cover plate of aluminium has been opened and the flexible image has been removed. Thus the above-mentioned items can be seen through the transparent double window of Mylar foils of thickness 6 µm. The radius of the bent image plate is 100 mm. |