issue contents
September 2009 issue

Cover illustration: Small-angle X-ray scattering pattern of a hard-sphere silica system recorded on the two central modules of a PILATUS 2M detector (see Westermeier, Autenrieth, Gutt, Leupold, Duri, Menzel, Johnson, Broennimann and Grübel, pages 687-689). The insets show the static structure factor of this sample and the counts per pixel per frame (10 ms of data acquisition time) of four arbitrarily chosen pixels at positions marked with the four black circles in the SAXS pattern.
facility information
research papers
From an X-ray diffraction imaging experiment using an X-ray CCD camera, it was found that equal-thickness X-ray Pendellösung interference fringes show a strange temporal oscillation in a manner similar to the previously reported spatial oscillation of moiré and Pendellösung fringes, presumably as an intrinsic property of the fringes.
A novel solid-state lithium battery design enables surface- and bulk-sensitive soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy of battery materials under operating conditions.
A confocal full-field X-ray microscope has been newly developed for three-dimensional imaging of secondary X-ray emission such as fluorescent X-rays and scattering X-rays, and a feasibility test has been successfully performed.
An attempt to employ the in situ XANES technique to investigate the alteration of the structural properties of chemical elements in rubber trees is described.
Two novel high-temperature reactors for in situ XAS measurements in fluorescence are presented.
The theory of a focusing monochromator of synchrotron radiation with an energy resolution of 0.1 meV is presented.
The coherency of the synchrotron radiation at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory has been investigated using Young's interferometer.
The IMCA-CAT bending-magnet beamline was upgraded with a collimating mirror in order to achieve the energy resolution required to conduct MAD/SAD experiments without sacrificing beamline flux throughput. The performance of the 17-BM beamline optics and its deviations from ideally shaped optics are discussed in the context of constraints imposed by bending properties of the beamline major optical components.
A low-resolution map of phosphorus in Ca2+ ATPase is derived from a limited set of anomalous diffraction data measured at a wavelength near the K-absorption edge of phosphorus.
The spatial structure of an X-ray beam focused by a planar refractive lens and Bragg diffracted from perfect silicon crystals has been studied experimentally and theoretically.
Highly accurate directional Compton profiles of LiH are presented together with a detailed description of Compton spectroscopy data analysis relevant for a scanning-crystal spectrometer.
short communications
Hydrothermal formation of tobermorite studied by in situ X-ray diffraction under autoclave condition
A new autoclave cell for high-energy transmission X-ray diffraction has been developed, and applied to in situ investigation of tobermorite formation pathways.
Advantages of fast two-dimensional single-pixel-counting detectors for X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy are reported.
letters to the editor

Comments on Owen et al. [J. Synchrotron Rad. (2009). 16, 143–151].

Response to Krumrey's comments in the previous paper.
current events