Figure 5
Energy-resolved three-dimensional X-ray fluorescence images of the artificial diamond. (a, b) Elemental mapping image of Fe and Co, respectively. The image data set consists of 150 sliced images with a translation scan pitch of 4 mm, and each sliced image consists of the integration of 300 photon-counting images. The exposure time for each photon-counting image is 1 s with the 1/40 intensity of full-power `sheet-beam' X-rays of BL37XU. The photon incidence per CCD pixel per unit time was about 0.1 photons pixel−1 s−1 at maximum. The incident X-ray energy is 10 keV. Each image was taken in 4 × 4 binning mode of the CCD camera. The voxel size is 4 mm × 4 mm × 4 mm, and the number of voxels is 256 (y) × 256 (z) × 150 (x). The total measurement time was ∼55 h. (c) X-ray fluorescence spectrum derived from the histogram of the photon-counting image data set. |