Figure 4
Workflow of a wide-field scan. The images show a rat lung sample from a Sprague-Dawley rat, obtained 21 days after birth, scanned with the acquisition protocol B (Table 1 ). (a) Three corrected and independently acquired projections from subscans s1–s3 are shown. Each one is 1024 × 1024 pixels large and covers a field of view of 1.52 mm. Subscans s1 and s2 overlap by 141 pixels (red and green overlay), subscans s2 and s3 overlap by 138 pixels (blue and yellow overlay). (b) Merged projection obtained from the three subscans shown in subfigure (a). Each merged projection has a size of 2792 × 1024 pixels. Owing to the overlap required to merge the projections, the width of the merged projections is slightly smaller than three times the width of the subscans. (c) Cropped slice of the reconstructed tomographic dataset. The dashed red circles mark the start and end of the overlap region. |