issue contents
September 2010 issue

Cover illustration: Three-dimensional visualization of the gas-exchanging region of a rat lung, imaged using tomographic microscopy with enhanced field of view at the TOMCAT beamline of the Swiss Light Source (see Haberthür, Hintermüller, Marone, Schittny and Stampanoni, pages 590-599). The transparent parts of the 4 mm-wide rat lung sample on the right show the enhancement in field of view with the proposed method, the magnified inset on the left with a side length of 380 µm shows the details visible in the gas-exchanging region.
facility information
research papers
The performance of a novel Lu2SiO5 (LSO)-based thin-film single-crystal scintillator for synchrotron-based hard X-ray micro-imaging is characterized. An indirect X-ray imaging detector equipped with such a LSO screen shows improved detective quantum efficiency as well as higher spatial resolving power compared with common scintillator materials.
The existing form of vanadium in doped LiFePO4 at 5% and 1% level is investigated by XANES and EXAFS techniques.

Increasing the lateral field of view of tomography-based imaging methods greatly increases the acquisition time. This article presents scanning protocols to obtain high-resolution tomographic scans with large lateral field of view at greatly decreased acquisition time and thus reduced radiation dose while resulting in high-quality three-dimensional tomographic datasets.
The atomic local structure of Co-doped ZnO dilute magnetic semiconductors has been investigated before and after annealing by Co K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy combined with multiple-scattering calculations to determine the location of oxygen vacancies around magnetic atoms.
Polished surfaces of a naturally heterogeneous mineral sample containing chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and pentlandite were studied using photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM) and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS), before and after exposure to aqueous solution.

It is shown how the misalignment of conical surface axes of single lenses in a compound refractive lens array can influence the focusing resolution.
A high-repetition-rate mechanical X-ray shutter, with complete asynchronous control, has been developed and tested to achieve closing speeds as fast as 700 µs for an aperture height of 4 mm.

Concepts and technical realization of the high-resolution soft X-ray beamline ADRESS at the Swiss Light Source are described. Optimization of the optical scheme for high resolution and photon flux as well as diagnostics tools and alignment strategies are discussed.
Secondary focusing with arbitrary source-to-optics distance is analysed based on calculation of `thin lens' focusing in phase space, and the results are compared with tests of a trapezoidal mirror and a single-bounce capillary.

A report on the characterization, calibration and performances of the MYTHEN photon-counting silicon microstrip detector at the powder diffraction station at the Swiss Light Source is given.
A confocal set-up for micro-XRF and XAFS for in situ high pressure and temperature experiments is presented.
Carbon K-edge XANES are presented for a variety of carbonate minerals, with a discussion on their use to identify mineral phases within spectromicroscopic studies of environmental samples.
The relative intensities of the maximum K-edge signals of a number of sulfur species in solid state and solution are compared. By use of calibrated reference spectra it is possible to quantitatively determine the relative concentration of different species in an unknown sample.
An advanced intensity normalization technique is proposed, which allows ring and wave artefacts to be suppressed in tomographic images. This is applied to data from beamline 2-BM-B of the Advanced Photon Source.
computer programs

MxCuBE is a beamline control environment optimized for the needs of macromolecular crystallography. This paper describes the design of the software and the features that MxCuBE currently provides.
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