Figure 1
Microscope set-up and principles of data processing for three-dimensional XANES microscopy. (a) A monochromatic X-ray beam is focused onto the sample using an elliptical capillary and the image is projected onto the detector (Peltier-cooled 2 K × 2 K pixel array Retiga CCD) by means of a micro-zone plate lens. The sample is mounted on an X, Y, Z, θ stage. Details can be found by Andrews et al. (2010 ). (b) (1) One image is acquired in absorption contrast at each energy in the XANES scan. (2) XANES are constructed from each pixel plotting normalized absorption versus energy. (3) XANES from each pixel is fit to create a chemical phase map. (4) One phase map is generated at each angle in the tomographic scan. (5) The set of phase maps is used for tomographic reconstruction to retrieve three-dimensional chemical speciation. |