issue contents
September 2011 issue

Cover illustration: Three-dimensional chemical map at 50 nm resolution of a partially discharged Li-ion NiO battery electrode showing both the NiO (red) and Ni (green) components; blue pixels contain both species (see Meirer, Cabana, Liu, Mehta, Andrews and Pianetta, pages 773-781). Data were collected at SSRL beamline 6-2 with a full-field transmission X-ray microscope at multiple energies along the Ni K-edge. This is a powerful method for correlating chemistry and morphology in technological and biological materials at the nanoscale.
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research papers
High-resolution analyser-based X-ray computed tomography findings on in vitro human breast cancer are compared with histopathology, mammography, X-ray computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.
Scanning microbeam small-angle X-ray scattering is used to characterize a thermoset resol/poly(isoprene-block-ethylene oxide) nanocomposite on multiple length scales with respect to homogeneity and microphase separation.
Measured angular distributions of the radiation from several different targets in the magnetic field of the 20 MeV storage ring MIRRORCLE-20SX are presented.

SHADOW3, a new version of the X-ray tracing code SHADOW, is introduced.
Two sample-scanning features have been implemented for the macromolecular crystallography beamlines at APS sector 23: automated diffraction-based rastering employing multiple polygon-shaped two-dimensional grids overlaid on a sample to locate and center small and invisible crystals or to find the best-diffracting regions in a larger crystal, and automated data collection along a three-dimensional vector to mitigate the effects of radiation damage.
The local lattice and electronic structure of the high-Tc superconductor SmO1–xFxFeAs as a function of F-doping have been investigated by Sm L3-edge X-ray absorption near-edge structure and multiple-scattering calculations.
Differential EXAFS (DiffEXAFS) is able to detect subtle atomic perturbations in the local area of the absorbing atom. Here a new method of performing DiffEXAFS experiments under the modulation of high pressure has been developed.
Side chain effects of amino acids are investigated using simulated ionization spectra in both valence and core spaces.
Gas-diffusion-layer morphological changes by the freeze/thaw cycle are shown using X-ray tomography.

Partial fluorescence yield XANES measurements were performed using a silicon drift detector in the soft X-ray region. This technique provides unambiguous XANES data in the soft X-ray region, where absorption edges of different elements are close to each other, or where fluorescence lines overlap.
The design and experimental testing of the in-line Ge (220) Bragg magnifier used for full-field phase-contrast X-ray imaging are described.
When carbon contamination of beamline optics reaches thicknesses of several nanometres, strong reflectivity losses are observed in the 1 keV photon energy region.
A description of the IPANEMA platform, a new European research platform devoted to ancient and historical materials at Synchrotron SOLEIL, is given.
Two-dimensional and three-dimensional single-pixel and single-voxel speciation of Ni in Li-ion battery electrodes is accomplished combining full-field hard X-ray transmission microscopy and XANES imaging at tens of nanometers resolution.
A bromide cleaved off an inhibitor owing to radiation damage was found to occupy an adjacent free volume using promising formerly unsatisfied interactions.
Synchrotron radiation infrared microspectroscopy is used to microprobe the molecular spatial distribution and structural architecture of the sorghum seed tissue.

Monochromatization of hard X-rays in the 20–40 keV energy range to ∼1 meV bandwidth using a sapphire backscattering monochromator is demonstrated.
Measurements of the mixing of a gas jet are made using X-ray absorption and fluorescence to demonstrate the feasibility of X-ray fluorescence as a fluid flow diagnostic. The measurements demonstrate that X-ray fluorescence can provide a quantitative robust measure of fluid mixing in a flow with weak X-ray absorption.
short communications
It is shown how a Stern–Heald detector can be modified to load multiple samples and measure them without changing the conditions inside the chamber. The details of the design of the chamber along with the parts needed to make it work successfully are provided.
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