Figure 2
Flat-field images recorded on (a) the Pilatus 300k SAXS detector and (b) the WAXS detector, using the fluorescence from a 5 M NaBr solution in the solution scattering sample cell as the source. The gray scale in the images is set so that the darkest to the brightest gray levels represent 100% to 70% of the maximum intensity. (c) Energy scan across the Br K-edge. The region of interest (ROI) is a square of 200 × 200 pixels near the center of the WAXS detector. (d) ROI counts on the WAXS detector (red symbols, fluorescence intensity, unattenuated incident beam) and on the SAXS detector (black symbols, transmitted intensity of the direct beam, with ∼10−4 attenuation), during the scan of the elevation of one end of the vertical focusing mirror, which is 0.43 m long, to steer the beam across the capillary, which is located at 7.9 m downstream of the mirror. The ROI on the SAXS detector captured the direct beam during the full range of the scan and the beamstop upstream of the detector was removed. |