issue contents
March 2013 issue

Cover illustration: An effect of dynamical diffraction focusing in a plane crystal (see Kohn, Gorobtsov and Vartanyants, pages 258-265). Simulations of the two-dimensional distribution of the intensity at the crystal exit surface as a function of crystal thickness in Laue geometry for the silicon 220 reflection (top) and diamond 220 reflection (bottom).
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research papers
The use of an in-vacuum CCD detector to accomplish simultaneous SAXS and WAXS measurements in both transmission and grazing incident geometries is described.

A Si(111) winged crystal has been designed for sagittal focusing of synchrotron radiation X-rays. The results of performance tests at beamlines are reported.

The first example of synchrotron X-ray fluorescence imaging of cultured mammalian cells in cyclic peptide research is reported. The study reports the first quantitative analysis of the incorporation of a bromine-labelled cyclic RGD peptide and its effects on the biodistribution of endogenous elements (for example, K and Cl) within individual tumor cells.
The optical layout and performance of the X-ray Powder Diffraction beamline at the National Synchrotron Light Source II are described numerically and by means of ray tracing using SHADOW.
A polycapillary half-lens has been demonstrated to suppress efficiently the Bragg reflection glitches of a single-crystal DAC for high-pressure XAFS measurements.

Short-wavelength XUV beam splitters consisting of multilayer reflective and transmissive coatings on 3 × 3 mm and 10 × 10 mm SiN membranes have been developed and fully characterized.
A diffraction focusing spectrometer is proposed which is able to measure the whole energy spectrum of the radiation at the same time. It is well suited for measurements of the single pulses of hard X-ray free-electron lasers.
An X-ray Raman spectrometer for EXAFS studies on minerals: bent Laue spectrometer with 20 keV X-rays
An X-ray Raman spectrometer for studies of local structures in minerals is discussed. A spectrometer utilizing 20 keV X-rays and a bent Laue analyzer is proposed.
The efficiency of soft X-ray diffraction gratings is examined using theoretical calculations with new open-source software, and insights to design a high-performance emission spectrometer are applied. The calculated and measured efficiencies of real-world gratings are compared, and discrepancies are explained by incorporating real-world effects into the calculations.
The porosity distribution of a gas diffusion layer shows cyclic variation under freeze-and-thaw cycles. A small porosity variation induces a large change of permeability in the gas diffusion layer.
A distributed fast-acquisition system for synchronized multi-technique experiments, named FLYSCAN, has been developed at Synchrotron Soleil and was tested for continuous multimodal scanning hard X-ray imaging.
Quantitative measurements of the deformations of a silicon double-crystal monochromator under heat load from a wiggler source are reported. The deformations were measured using two-dimensional hard X-ray grating interferometry, a technique that enables in situ at-wavelength wavefront investigations with high angular sensitivity.

Technical details and experimental examples are given for a novel sample environment allowing X-ray investigations of self-assembly phenomena induced by controlled bulk solvent evaporation and nanoscale solvent adsorption/desorption.
The present investigation establishes the feasibility of using synchrotron-generated X-ray beams for time-resolved in situ imaging and diffraction of the interior components of an internal combustion engine during its operation.
With selective incorporation of gold nanoparticles into tumor cells, individual cancer cells are detected by an X-ray imaging technique.
An application of speckle visibility spectroscopy to coherent X-ray scattering and a demonstration of the method using latex diffusion in glycerol are presented.

Synchrotron-radiation-based X-ray microfluorescence has been used for in situ investigation of the distribution of micronutrient and macronutrient elements in an unstained cross section of a stem of monocotyledonous liana plant Dioscorea balcanica Košanin. The elemental allocation has been quantified and the grouping/co-localization in straight and twisted stem internodes has been analysed.

Detector response functionals are found to have useful but also limited application to synchrotron studies where bunched fills are becoming common. By matching the detector response function to the source temporal structure, substantial improvements in efficiency, count rate and linearity are possible.

Metal-oxide tunnel junctions made by optical lithography were studied by X-ray diffraction (imaging approach with diffraction contrast) to access local distortions of the crystalline planes of the constituting layers. The effect of the size (10–150 µm) and shape (disc, square and rectangle) of the junction was investigated.
This paper reports the results of time-resolved synchrotron powder diffraction experiments where jarosites of various compositions were synthesized at a range of temperatures. Crystal chemistry and kinetics of formation are discussed.

Synchrotron radiation angiography with a HARP detector made it possible to evaluate impaired pulmonary microcirculation in pulmonary emphysema by means of high sensitivity.
short communications
Home-source small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) data acquired using a hybrid pixel single-photon-counting detector is presented. The radius of gyration, maximum dimension and the molecular mass of protein complexes can be obtained at the short exposure times and relatively low protein concentrations necessary for size-exclusion chromatography integration.
The X-ray microfocus beamline (BL-16) at the Indian synchrotron radiation facility Indus-2 has been installed and is currently operational. This paper describes the design, construction and measured performance of the beamline.

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