Figure 4
Example of GID data collected at X9 (courtesy of Hoichang Yang of Inha University) (a) while the sample is being rotated to vary the incident angle and (b) at a fixed incident angle (0.6°). The blue dotted lines indicate the direction of the sample normal, which is also the trace of specular reflection from the sample in (a), on which the (00L) diffraction peaks are located. The blue dashed lines that denote constant qr and qz positions of 0, 1.0 and 2.0 Å−1 are distorted owing to the curvature of the Ewald sphere. These apparent distortions disappear in (c), where the data shown in (b) have been translated into a qr − qz map using the conversions described in the text. The areas colored yellow are not accessible in the measurement. The red dashed lines in (b) and (c) indicate the expected Yoneda peak position. Note that the size of the diffraction peaks becomes progressively larger at higher q because of the finite beam size on the sample in the grazing-incident geometry. The sample-to-detector distance is ∼27 cm. |