Figure 7
Comparison of measured and calculated strain in an under-etched micro-bridge structure over the region indicated with a colored plane in Fig. 1(b) . (a) Total integrated intensity of the measured (004) Bragg reflection. (b) Measured strain along the [001] direction and (c) FEM calculation for a structure of identical dimensions. Both results are plotted on the same color scale for the strain values. (d) Total integrated intensity of the measured Bragg reflection. (e) Measured strain along the [010] direction and (f) FEM calculation. The slight asymmetry with respect to the x-direction observed in (c) and (f) arises from asymmetric cracks considered in the FEM model according to defects observed in SEM inspections of the sample. The beam impinges on the sample along the positive y-direction, as indicated in Fig. 1(a) . |