Figure 4
Comparison of the structures of BfGH20 from in situ T = 295 K and cryo T = 100 K data. (a) A ribbon diagram of BfGH20, which consists of a N-terminal α/β domain (D1) and a C-terminal (β/α)8 catalytic domain (D2). Residues forming the active site of the catalytic domain are drawn in stick format and labeled. The presumably catalytic residue D303 is highlighted in red. The two loops in discussion, Lp3 and Lp4, are the loop between β3 and α3 and the loop between β4 and α4 of the (β/α)8 barrel, respectively. (b) The active site of the BfGH20 structure from in situ T = 295 K data. All residues in the view are drawn in stick format. The 2Fo − Fc electron-density map in purple mesh is contoured at 1σ. (c) The active site of the BfGH20 structure from cryo T = 100 K data. The 2Fo − Fc electron-density map in gray mesh is also contoured at 1σ. However, parts of Lp3 and Lp4 of the structure are disordered. |