issue contents
November 2015 issue

Cover illustration: Kilopixel transmission mode diamond X-ray detector capable of video rate imaging of white and monochromatic beams (see Zhou, Ding, Gaowei, De Geronimo, Bohon, Smedley and Muller, pages 1396-1402). Top: conceptualized operation of the detector in an X-ray beam. Bottom: application to optimization of a toroidal focusing mirror.
facility information

The field of crystallography, which has had a major impact on the sciences in the last 100 years, is continuing to expand scientific horizons as technical and conceptual boundaries are overcome. Structure–function–dynamics will become an integrated theme for many studies as will obtaining structures without the `benevolent tyranny' of crystals.
feature articles

Direct spectroscopic evidence for a hydride bridge in the Ni–R form of [NiFe] hydrogenase has been obtained using iron-specific nuclear resonance vibrational spectroscopy. This article focuses on the long and strenuous experimental journey to search for and identify this first spectroscopic evidence for a hydride in Ni–R.
research papers
A new approach for classification of diffraction patterns measured in single-particle imaging experiments at XFELs on the basis of a set of parameters that take into account the underlying diffraction physics and specific relations between the real-space structure of a particle and its reciprocal-space intensity distribution is presented.
A new monochromator scheme is presented in which an extra-focus constant-included-angle varied-line-spacing cylindrical-grating monochromator is conveniently combined with a variable-included-angle varied-line-spacing plane-grating monochromator.

Carbon contamination of a chromium-coated mirror was removed by exposure to oxygen activated with non-monochromated synchrotron radiation. Higher-order harmonics of the chromium-coated mirror are much smaller than those of a gold-coated mirror in the carbon K-edge region.

The performance of a custom atomic force microscope for grazing-incidence X-ray experiments on hydrated soft and biological samples is presented.

A portable sample viewing and alignment system is described which provides fast and reliable motion positioning for fixed target arrays at synchrotrons and free-electron laser sources.
Ru/C multilayer monochromators with different periodic thicknesses were quantitatively characterized by X-ray reflectivity and scattering. The structural parameters were compared before and after cryogenic cooling.
Prior to data collection at the synchrotron, protein crystals are harvested and cryo-cooled, which may damage the fragile samples. A new plate scanner implemented at the APS 19-ID eliminates this manipulation and allows high-quality data collection in situ from crystals in their crystallization device permitting structure determination using molecular replacement and selenium SAD phasing.
Preparation and testing results of a pixelated transmission-mode diamond X-ray detector prototype are presented.
Investigation of a CPG-array CdZnTe γ-ray imaging detector with single collecting electrodes readout
A CPG-array CdZnTe detector with single collecting electrodes readout is presented to facilitate imaging applications of CPG detectors.
X-ray third-order nonlinear plane-wave Bragg-case dynamical diffraction effects in a perfect crystal
Two-wave third-order nonlinear symmetric Bragg-case dynamical diffraction of a plane X-ray wave in a perfect crystal is investigated theoretically. An analytical solution is found and results of numerical calculations are presented.
Characterization of Mg–Co–Zr tri-layer stacks using X-ray fluorescence induced by X-ray standing waves, in both grazing-incidence and grazing-exit modes, is presented.
The performance of the XMaS beamline for soft X-ray spectroscopy in the 2–4 keV range is assessed with particular relation to in situ studies of functional materials and their chemistry.
Ti K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction anomalous fine structure are carried out on Ti1–xAlxN films deposited by magnetron sputtering on Si substrates. The Ti K pre-edge fine structure allows determination of the symmetry of the sites occupied by Ti atoms in crystallized domains regardless of disordered area.
Various cobalt-based compounds, differing in crystal structure, ligands surrounding the central metal ion and morphology, have been studied by soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at the Co L-edge in order to measure the effect of these parameters on the electronic structure.
Synchrotron micro-X-ray fluorescence measurements for micro-scale study of metal transport and distribution in Typha latifolia L. root system is described.
Complexation of Am(III) with lactate is investigated as a function of the pH value using EXAFS spectroscopy. EXAFS measurements are combined with thermodynamic speciation calculations and iterative transformation factor analysis.
High-accuracy transmission XAFS of dilute solutions of bis(N-n-propyl-salicylaldiminato) nickel(II) and the i-propyl isomer with statistically valid estimates of their uncertainty has been determined using the hybrid technique. For these square planar and tetrahedral complexes the XAFS analysis, with error propogation, provides a more reliable guide to the coordination geometry than the relative intensities of the pre-edge features.

Results of a novel in situ microradiography and microtomography setup for the study of fatigue processes are presented. This setup is optimized for the requirements of dental implants and use at synchrotron imaging beamlines.
A general formalism for predicting the spatial resolution achievable in coherent diffractive imaging and the X-ray dose necessary to reach atomic resolution is described.
Quantitative analysis of X-ray phase-contrast mammographic tomography carried out at the Imaging and Medical beamline of the Australian Synchrotron is presented.
short communications
X-ray irradiation triggers the deposition of Cu from solution, at room temperature, on different insulating substrates.

A small pinhole is used to reduce the X-ray spot size for liquid jet photoelectron spectroscopy applications.
The design, implementation and performance evaluation of the X-ray imaging beamline (BL-4) is reported. Some of the first experiments on propagation-based phase contrast imaging and micro-tomography are also reported.

MASSIF-1 (ID30A-1) is a new beamline dedicated to the completely automatic characterization and data collection from crystals of biological macromolecules.

BM23 is the general-purpose EXAFS bending-magnet beamline at the ESRF, replacing the former BM29 beamline in the framework of the ESRF upgrade. Its mission is to serve the whole XAS user community by providing access to a basic service in addition to the many specialized instruments available at the ESRF. BM23 offers high-signal-to-noise ratio EXAFS in a large energy range (5–75 keV), continuous energy scanning for quick-EXAFS on the second timescale and a micro-XAS station delivering a spot size of 4 µm × 4 µm FWHM.
laboratory notes
A closed-circle miniature flow cell for high X-ray photon flux experiments on radiation-sensitive liquid samples is presented.
current events