Figure 2
XAFS spectra of (i-pr Ni) (top row) and (n-pr Ni) (bottom row) determined on an absolute scale following the correction of the identified systematics addressed by Chantler et al. (2015 ). The red dashed lines are FEFF8-calculated theoretical XAFS using the models developed for the refinement of structural parameters of the complexes. While the functional uncertainty is difficult to view in the χ versus k plots, the strong information content at medium k and the onset of noise and lowering of information content is quite clear in the conventional versus k plots, with the important difference that the derived uncertainties fairly represent the noise level. The XAFS oscillations are well defined up to k = 9–11 Å−1. Higher measurement density or counting time at higher k can provide XAFS spectra with well defined accuracies for a larger range. |