Figure 13
Temporal, spectral, spatial and angular distributions of the radiation pulse on the sample (z = 1018 m in Fig. 8 ). (a) Pulse power; the pulse duration is ∼225 ps (FWHM). (b) Spectrum; the spectral bandwidth is ∼0.090 meV (FWHM). (c) Two-dimensional plot of the spatial distribution. (d) Vertical cut through the maximum of the fluence distribution; and (e) horizontal cut. The beam size on the sample is 3.3 µm (V) × 6.5 µm (H) (FWHM). (f) Angular distribution, two-dimensional plot; (g) vertical cut through the maximum of the fluence distribution; and (h) horizontal cut. Beam divergence on the sample is 220 µrad (V) × 310 µrad (H) (FWHM), corresponding to a 0.01 nm−1 × 0.015 nm−1 transverse momentum spread. |