issue contents
March 2016 issue

Cover illustration: 3D visualization of microvasculature and thrombi in HCC (see Jian, Yang, Zhao, Xuan, Zhang, Li and Hu, pages 600-605). Demonstrations of the fine structure of thrombi and microvasculature and the differentiation of malignant from benign thrombi via density distribution provide useful information for the diagnosis of HCC.
facility information
scientific commentaries

Custom-designed hybrid pixel array detectors (HPADs) have completely changed the situation of detection at synchrotron sources over the last decade. With the development of a very low noise integrating HPAD, the detector group at PSI has shown that these systems can also be used for spectroscopic imaging and sub-keV photon detection.
research papers

A novel hybrid pixel detector is evaluated and its potential for low-noise/low-energy detection and energy-dispersive photon science is highlighted.

A high-speed pixel array detector for time-resolved X-ray imaging at synchrotrons has been developed. The ability to isolate single synchrotron bunches makes it ideal for time-resolved dynamical studies.

First experimental feasibility study of VIPIC: a custom-made detector for X-ray speckle measurements
Preliminary X-ray correlation spectroscopy results from the novel three-dimensional vertically integrated photon imaging chip (VIPIC) detector are presented.

This article explores novel opportunities for ultra-high-resolution inelastic X-ray scattering (IXS) at high-repetition-rate self-seeded XFELs. These next-generation light sources are promising a more than three orders of magnitude increase in average spectral flux compared with what is possible with storage-ring-based radiation sources. In combination with the advanced IXS spectrometer described here, this may become a real game-changer for ultra-high-resolution X-ray spectroscopies, and hence for the studies of dynamics in condensed matter systems.

A prefocusing compound refractive lens was implemented for the Matter under Extreme Conditions Instrument at the Linac Coherent Light Source. A significant improvement in the beamline transmission was calculated and observed at 5 keV.
The spectral properties of a gyro-klystron and klystron undulator are studied through analytical derived results.
An XMCD beamline with tandem twin EPUs can emit fast switching polarized beams, but the results of ray tracing show that the energy resolutions of the two EPUs differ greatly when the real surface profiles are included. In this work, a conceptually new design for a beamline to solve this problem is proposed.
A novel extremum seeking feedback method for stabilizing the X-ray beam position at the sample is demonstrated. This method uses existing oscillations that are already present in the beam.

The variation of the photon beam position in a beamline, which is a critical issue for user experiments, is analyzed and corrected through the correlation link with the electron beam position in the storage ring.

The design and performance of a novel micro-reactor in situ flow cell permitting investigation of model catalysts with grazing-incidence small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering is presented.

The high-field magnet endstation for X-ray magnetic dichroism experiments at the ESRF soft X-ray beamline ID32 is presented.
Problems and solutions for determining the spatial overlap in synchrotron-based ultrafast X-ray diffraction experiments are discussed. The method allows for the quantitative measurement of laser-induced surface distortions in nanostructured solids.
The development of a microfluidics setup for studying the interaction of complex solutions under varying shear conditions is presented.
X-ray intensity distributions close to the [111] Bragg reflection of ensembles of polytypic nanowires are simulated. These ensembles differ in the distribution of the polytypes inside the wires. The results show that the interpretation of such X-ray profiles is non-trivial and non-unique.
Ball-milling of a coarse LiF powder was employed to produce nanostructured fluorites with different defect concentration for thermoluminescence applications. In situ X-ray diffraction analysis shows that thermoluminescence is highly dependent on the structural defect densities and on the degree of interaction between dislocations and point defects.
The evolution of the local atomic structure of cubic yttria is followed upon temperature increase using Y K-edge X-ray absorption fine structure analysis, complemented with advanced modelling approaches (classical molecular dynamics, reverse Monte Carlo and evolutionary algorithm methods).
The potential of scanning transmission X-ray scattering as a position-sensitive probe for structures at liquid surfaces is explored.
This paper presents P K-edge XANES spectra of orthophosphate and inositol hexakisphosphate (IHP) adsorbed to important pedogenic minerals and soil organic matter in moderately acidic soils, as well as of IHP retained by calcite and Ca phytate, which are important P forms in calcareous soils. Inclusion of these spectra in addition to spectra of well known P-bearing compounds supposed to be present in soils (free and cation-bound IHP, Al, Fe, Ca phosphate minerals) as reference compounds in linear combination fitting exercises improves fit quality and yields more accurate P speciation results.
Free-hanging drops from homogeneously mixed solutions allow containment-free time-resolved measurements with an initial dead-time of 100 ms. This has been used to explore the formation mechanism of EDTA-stabilized CdS quantum dots, both at a synchrotron source in a single-shot mode and at a laboratory source in a stroboscopic mode.
A new theoretical approach and computational package, FDMX, for general calculations of X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) is described. This is the first full-potential package to calculate accurate XAFS spectra across a complete energy range within a single framework, presented with example spectra for elemental Sn, rutile TiO2 and FeO6.
Collective oscillations of deformed ions, called scissors modes, in their unit cells were predicted some time ago. Here it is proposed to detect them by measuring using a SQUID the associated variation of the magnetic field.
An image-guidance procedure for the small-animal microbeam radiotherapy stage at the Australian Synchrotron is demonstrated. The procedure encompassess imaging and semi-automatic alignment of samples prior to the radiotherapy, with a spatial accuracy of about 100 µm, demonstrated using phantoms.

A tunneling smart tip of a synchrotron X-ray scanning tunneling microscope provides simultaneously localized topographic, elemental and magnetic information.
The value of non-negative matrix factorization for near real-time data analysis during a beam time is discussed.
A method for correcting image artefacts caused by micrometer-scale sample movement during synchrotron imaging has been developed. The liquid water X-ray attenuation coefficient was calibrated to improve the accuracy of the liquid water quantification.
Phase-contrast computed tomography provides an accurate morphologic description of microvasculature and thrombi in the hepatocellular carcinoma tissues and has the potential to distinguish malignant from benign thrombi via density distribution of the thrombi.
A tomography reconstruction algorithm has been proposed, which can achieve high-quality reconstructions of multiple grey phantoms from projection of a limited angle range and without prior knowledge of the grey values.

Measurement of combustion gas by high-energy X-ray Compton scattering is reported.
short communications
A compact cell for photo-spectroelectrochemical X-ray absorption spectroscopy is presented. The cell has been fabricated by three-dimensional printing and has been successfully used for in situ and in operando experiments.
The design and development of the protein crystallography beamline (PX-BL21) at Indus-2 is described, along with some recent results.
A review of the improvements made to the LUCIA beamline after it was moved from SLS to SOLEIL is given. Emphasis is given to the new multilayer grating monochromator which extends the energy domain down to around 500 eV.
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