Figure 14
Fluence distributions and spot sizes of X-rays at different longitudinal positions near the sample. (a) Fluence distribution near the focal plane, and (b) in the sample (image) plane integrated over photon energies or pulse duration. (c) Vertical cuts through spectral fluence distributions at zero horizontal position for different spectral components near the focal plane (−20 mm), and (d) in the image plane (0 mm). (e) Vertical and horizontal spot sizes (FWHM) for the monochromatic radiation component E0 as a function of longitudinal position along the beam are presented by the solid lines. The red dashed curve in (e) represents the vertical size integrated over all spectral components. The optical scheme and schematic of ray propagation in the CRL focusing system are presented both in the vertical (v) and horizontal planes (h). The CDDW+W monochromator is in the object plane while the sample is in the image plane. |