Figure 2
Experimental and fitted decay curves collected on beamline ID19, ESRF, with the U17-6c beam in the 4- and 16-bunch modes. Data for each scintillator are shown in a separate sub-plot. Experimental data are shown in blue. In each case the intensity range of the curve has been normalized to its maximum, collapsing the values to the range of 0–1 to aid comparison between the different materials. The modelled data, using the constants in Table 2 , are shown in red. The bottom sub-plot shows an illustration of the 4- and 16-bunch modes, indicating when the X-rays were incident on the crystal. Dashed grey lines mark the position of the bunches on the experimental and modelled curves. The LuAG:Ce 4BM scan comprised 330 frames over 800 ns with a 2.81 ns exposure time. The LYSO:Ce 4BM scan comprised 330 frames over 430 ns with a 2.81 ns exposure time. The LYSO:Ce 16BM scan comprised 525 frames over 525 ns with a 5 ns exposure time, and an additional five summed on-CCD accumulations per frame to increase SNR. |