Figure 3
Graph of calculated background significance versus bunch separation. The graph shows the effect of bunch separation (from 100 ns to 1000 ns) on the usable portion of a dynamic signal, calculated from the modelled scintillator response. As the bunch separation is decreased (decreased possible interframe time) the scintillator emission has less time to decay, leading to a larger accumulated background between bunches and poorer contrast. LuI3:sc and LuI3:mc refer to the single-crystal and micro-columnar forms of LuI3, respectively. The dashed grey lines show a representative set of bunch separations in use at synchrotrons for time-resolved studies. From left to right these are: (1) APS, standard mode: 153 ns; (2) ESRF, 16-bunch mode: 175 ns; (3) PETRA III, time-resolved mode: 192 ns; (4) DLS, hybrid mode: 250 ns; (5) ALS, 2-bunch mode, 328 ns; (6) DLS, 686 mode: 500 ns; (7) SPring-8, 1/7 + 5-bunch mode: 684 ns; (8) ESRF, 4-bunch mode: 704 ns. |