Figure 1
Evolution of radiation damage with absorbed dose on lysozyme crystals at room temperature monitored using different metrics. The dose D is defined as the total absorbed energy divided by the mass of the region of the crystal receiving nonzero dose (AD-ER), as defined by Zeldin et al. (2013 ). Crystals were soaked at different uridine concentrations, from zero to 1 M, and diffraction data recorded at two different dose rates. (a) Decay of the mean normalized intensity I/I1, calculated in the 50–2 Å. resolution range. (b) Decay of the R-factor Rd with dose. Rd is calculated in the 50–2 Å resolution range. For clarity, error bars are not shown (data with error bars are plotted in Fig. S2 of the supporting information). (c) Evolution of ΔB as a function of dose. Lines show the fits of the experimental data using an exponential model = . Results of the fits are shown in Table 1 . |