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Figure 13
Quantum well states in the pores of the DCA network. (a) [{\rm d}I/{\rm d}V] spectra of QWS in pores AC. The dashed black curve is a reference spectrum measured on Cu(111), the band bottom of the surface state is labeled SS. (b) Topography image of three different sizes of pores at a Y intersection of domain boundaries (−1.0 V, 50 pA, 4.4 K). Blue and red lines, respectively, indicate the boundary of the estimated and maximum area of the quantum well. Dots indicate the probed locations in panel (a). (c) Energy dispersion of the quantum well states. Red dots are deduced from the peak position and pore size measured in a series of STS and STM measurements. Error bars indicate the uncertainty of determining the size of the pore. The fine dashed curve is a parabolic fit through the data points. The broken curve is the dispersion of the Shockley surface state on bare Cu(111) for reference.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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