Figure 4
(a) Measurement geometry in the ARPES chamber. The coordinate axes x, y and z are fixed in the laboratory frame of reference. Photoelectrons are detected in the xz plane under the acceptance angle −30° α +30° centered on the x axis. The synchrotron beam enters at an angle = 60° with respect to the x axis, the polarization vector of horizontal light is in the xy plane. The sample can be moved in the x, y and z directions, and rotated about the z (polar angle θ) and y′ (tilt angle ψ) axes, as well as about the surface normal (azimuthal angle φ). (b) Scanning scheme of angle-scanned photoelectron diffraction in the spherical coordinate system in stereographic projection. A full scan of emission angles in the hemisphere is a combination of polar (θ) and azimuthal (φ) scans. Each of the curved lines in the plot corresponds to the angle range detected in one shot. For clarity, only a few angles are shown. |