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Figure 4
Cα-normalized Dloss damage signature histogram plots over all atoms of specific residue types for (a, b) myrosinase, (c, d) malate de­hydrogenase, (e, f) TRAP and (g, h) GH7. The normalization scheme is: Cα-normalized Dloss(atom) = [[D_{\rm{loss}}({\rm{atom}})][{{\bb E}}_{{\rm C}_{\alpha}}({D}_{\rm{loss}})]]/[|{\bb{E}}_{{\rm{C}}_{\alpha}}({D}_{\rm{loss}})|], where [{{\bb E}}_{{\rm C}_{\alpha }}({D}_{\rm loss})] is the average [{D_{\rm loss}}] calculated over the set of Cα atoms. Two residue types are directly compared in each plot: (a, c, e, g) Tyr and Phe, and (b, d, f, h) Asp and Asn. Gaussian kernel density estimates, which are non-parametric approximations of the probability density function underlying each Dloss distribution, are overlaid on the histogram plots. Highest dose datasets for each series are displayed; other doses within each series exhibit qualitatively similar behaviour.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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