Figure 4
Cα-normalized Dloss damage signature histogram plots over all atoms of specific residue types for (a, b) myrosinase, (c, d) malate dehydrogenase, (e, f) TRAP and (g, h) GH7. The normalization scheme is: Cα-normalized Dloss(atom) = [ − ]/, where is the average calculated over the set of Cα atoms. Two residue types are directly compared in each plot: (a, c, e, g) Tyr and Phe, and (b, d, f, h) Asp and Asn. Gaussian kernel density estimates, which are non-parametric approximations of the probability density function underlying each Dloss distribution, are overlaid on the histogram plots. Highest dose datasets for each series are displayed; other doses within each series exhibit qualitatively similar behaviour. |