Figure 6
Intensity on the detector as a function of the rocking angle in logarithmic scale of one flat and two wedged MLLs as a function of the rocking angle including the transmitted beam and both focused and defocused first diffraction orders. The graphs show the measured intensity as a function of the rocking angle and the vertical detector position. The corresponding horizontal detector position is indicated with dashed lines in Fig. 5 for one rocking angle. View (a) represents the flat MLL #1 as a reference. Views (b) and (c) represent the results for the wedged MLL #4 and MLL #5, which were later on assembled for point focusing. The upper part shows the first focused order, the lower part the first defocused order; the central part shows the transmission through the lens. The arrows on the right show the direction of increasing radii similar to those in Fig. 5 . Measurement was made in the near field with the setup as shown in Fig. 4 (a). |