Figure 4
Possible optical arrangements for a `MAX IV type' MBA lattice, where the cone-shaped mirror is used in sagittal focusing [equation (5) ]. An almost free-aberrated optical solution can be obtained by focusing the beam at 2.5 m from the source with mirror grazing angles of 2.47°. This optical configuration allows having the two mirrors facing each other and almost parallel to the dipole chamber, while limiting impedance instabilities. Equations (1) , (2) , (3) and (5) give the best position and radius of the two mirrors: p = 650 mm and R = 22.322 m for the cylindrical mirror, and for the cone-shaped mirror p = 1250 mm and r(x) = r0(1 + ax) with r0 = 53.87 mm and a = −2.21 × 10−5 mm−1. Due to the small mirror grazing angle, the conical term `a' is negligible. |