Figure 3
Fe L-edge XMCD and RIXS-MCD spectra of a Terfenol-D (Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe2) quasi-single-crystal. A sketch of the experimental configuration is also presented in the upper right. (a) Fe L2,3-edge XAS spectra measured in TEY and PFY mode together with their XMCD spectra. The blue (μ↑↑) and red (μ↑↓) spectra represent the absorption intensity for the helicity of the circularly polarized incident X-rays parallel and antiparallel to the macroscopic magnetization, respectively. To show XMCD, the difference spectra (μ↑↑ − μ↑↓) are multiplied by 2 and 10 for TEY and PFY, respectively, and plotted by green lines. (b) The circular-polarization dependence of RIXS spectra measured at hν = 708.1 eV indicated by a vertical line in (a). The blue (I↑↑) and red (I↑↓) spectra represent the RIXS intensity for the helicity of the circularly polarized incident X-rays parallel and antiparallel to the macroscopic magnetization, respectively. The difference spectrum (I↑↑ − I↑↓) is plotted by a green line. (Inset) Enlarged plot of the peaks at ∼705.5 eV. |