Figure 4
Fe L-edge XMCD and RIXS-MCD spectra of an α-Fe2O3(111) single crystal. (a) Fe L2,3-edge XAS spectra measured by circularly polarized X-rays in TEY mode together with the XMCD spectrum. (b) RIXS-MCD spectra measured at hν = 713.25 eV indicated by a vertical line in (a). To clearly show RIXS-MCD, the difference spectrum (I↑↑ − I↑↓) is multiplied by 2, and plotted by a green line in the same graph. A sketch of the experimental configuration with the orientation of the spin is shown in the inset. The magnetic field is parallel to the incident X-rays and the incident angle is 10° from the sample surface. Yellow arrows on the α-Fe2O3(111) sample represent the direction of the antiferromagnetically coupled and canted spin moments on the (111) plane. |